Instrumented Walker Status Update 2 Jairus Skyler Chris Barnett Rockwell Larson Tommy
Previously on INSTRUMENTED WALKER Mounts designed/analyzed/fabricated Sensors selected/purchased/received Analog to Digital Converter selected/purchased
Since then... Battled the machine shop Calibrated the load cells Programmed the Arduino Began early stages of labview and motion monitor integration
Machine Shop 3D print check passed -> Actual Fabrication??? Appropriate Screws/Sizes/Lengths Press fits, Metric -> Imperial
Load Cell Calibration Weight applied in 5 lb increments Voltage read out from calibration board Plotted & Curve Fitted Resulting functions
Load Cell Calibration (cont.)
LabView Going to focus more on labview Create GUI to improve usability Allow for integration with motion monitor
Motion Monitor Integration -Voltage output will determine forces on walker -Applied forces will be combined into total applied weight
Analog to Digital Conversion Bench Testing Breadboarded ADC Determined actual values for Voltage, External Timer, Internal Timings
Programming Output
Circuit Board Using data gained experimentally from Breadboard to Finish. PCB Design Battery Selection External Timing Options Designing as Add On Card Load Cell Terminals
Future Work Finalization/manufacturing of circuit board Battery and wiring Board and Battery housing and mounting Full scale assembly and testing Crutch design presentation