Advocating for human rights of Infected and Affected peolple by HIV and AIDS in Mozambique ICASA, 06TH December 2011 By: Roberto Paulo 1 1
Mozambican Network of AIDS Services Organizations About MONASO MONASO (Mozambican Network of AIDS Services Organizations) is a non governamental organization established 18 years ago. Since 2010 it is a member of the Internattional HIV/AIDS Alliance (ILO) in Mozambique, and has a seat on NAC board Vision: A country where people living with and affected by HIV and AIDS live freely without stigma and discrimination and have access to prevention, treatment and care. Mission: Mobilize and empower Civil Society Organizations for an effective response on the fight against HIV and AIDS and its effects on all levels. Partners: SIDA, NOVIB, Peace Corps, HelpAge International, Irish Aid, AGS, UNDP, UNAIDS, VSO, UNDP, MISAU, NAC, NOVIB, Actionaid, FHI360
Mozambican Network of AIDS Services Organizations About MONASO Structure: MONASO works in all (11) provinces with provincial offices and has got district representation in 90 districts with 1237 members (more then 60% are CBOs). Has got a Board with a chairperson and vice-chair, in all the provinces it has got a management committee that is represented by 3 persons. In terms of staff MONASO has got a National Executive Director, Programme and Administrative managers, Programme officers at headquarters. At provincial level has got provincial coordinators, accountants and suppotive team.
Members per Province (1,237) Mozambican Network of AIDS Services Organizations Members per Province (1,237) Maputo City – 97 Maputo Prov. – 88 Gaza – 114 Inhambane – 53 Sofala – 238 Manica – 113 Tete – 131 Zambezia – 141 Niassa – 118 Nampula – 97 Cabo Delgado – 47 SIDA MON SO SIDA MON SO SIDA MON SO SIDA MON SO SIDA MON SO SIDA MON SO SIDA MON SO SIDA MON SO SIDA MON SO SIDA MON SO 4
Strategy: in terms of interventions MONASO is working in 5 main areas: Mozambican Network of AIDS Services Organizations Strategy: in terms of interventions MONASO is working in 5 main areas: Lobby and Advocacy Network, M&E Capacity building and Research Organizational Development Institutional Development Capacity Intermediation of funds for intervention in HIV-AIDS
Mozambican Network of AIDS Services Organizations MOZAMBIQUE Mozambique is located in southern Africa has 11 provinces and 150 districts. It borders South Africa, Swaziland, Zimbabwe, Zambia, Tanzania and Malawi. The population: 23.049.621 (2011) The official language is Portuguese and the country became independent from Portugal in 1975. 1.7 million PLWHIV, 600.000 need ART, 240.000 on ART (August 2011)
Country: 11.5% HIV Prevalence per Province: 9.4% 3.7% 4.6% 7% 12.6% 15.5% 15.3% Country: 11.5% 8.6% 25.1% Maputo Provínce: 19.8% Maputo City: 16.8%
Mozambican Network of AIDS Services Organizations Advocating for human rights of Infected and Affected people by HIV and AIDS in Mozambique
Mozambican Network of AIDS Services Organizations Unwanted situation During the years 2000-2004 there were many cases of women who were expelled by from their families for being HIV positive There where old people who were isolated in booths, as if they were dogs and utensils used by them were not shared People on the street pointed fingers at them because they were HIV positive Health workers disclosed to others the HIV status of people attending health services.
Action that was carried out Mozambican Network of AIDS Services Organizations Action that was carried out MONASO, in coordination with RENSIDA led the process of drafting a law to guarantee the existence of a legal instrument for the protection of human rights of People Living with HIV and AIDS. In 2005, the draft was presented to the parliament and was approved in 2008, with the name: Law for the Defence of the Rights of and Against stigma and discrimination against people living with HIV and AIDS (12/2009 Law).
Action that was carried out Mozambican Network of AIDS Services Organizations Action that was carried out In 2009, MONASO began the process of dissemination of the law, with the support from UNDP and GAS. Capacity Building of 140 activists in all provinces and 74 districts Production and distribution of Law leaflets Promotion of radio programs
Mozambican Network of AIDS Services Organizations Results Increased level of awareness of communities about their human rights in line with HIV and AIDS Drastic reduction in the number of cases of discrimination against PLWHA. Case 1: In Nampula: A taxi driver knocked a PLWHA who then immediately took the number plate of the taxi and then went to the police and failed his complaint. The local policeman on duty said that he did not know the law. This individual went then to our offices in Nampula and our team accompanied him with leaflets of the law back to the police station. The police did not know the law, but the taxi guy was notified and was later judged for his act.
Mozambican Network of AIDS Services Organizations Results Case 2: In Niassa: An activist living with HIV and AIDS was publicly discriminated by a Mandimba district hospital staff for being HIV positive and according to her, she complained to the police and the district director of health, but both said that there was no legal instrument in which they could base on to punish the official, and then she presented copies of the law and the official was called by the authorities and was told to apologize in public and commit himself to never act in such a way.
Mozambican Network of AIDS Services Organizations Lessons Learnt A united, the Civil society can propose laws to defend their interests Establishment of alliances with parliamentarians facilitates the approval of laws When communities are know their rights it becomes easy for them to be pro active Unfortunately, many state agents do not know some of the laws
OBRIGADO! (Thank you)