Education & Teaching Consultancy Moving on Training Facilitator: Astell Evans Focus: Attachments Exemplar: 5.7 Facilitators: Astell Evans & Jennifer Roy. Slides designed by: Astell Evans (2007). Updated for Haringey Council (November 2014) All Rights reserved Slides Designed by: Astell Evans (2007).Updated for Haringey March 2014) All Rights reserved
Learning outcome (1) 1. Know about developing relationships with babies and children 1.1: define bonding 1.2: outline how bonding can be encouraged 1.3 identify ways adults can help children to develop secure relationships 1.4 Analyse how the socialisation process may impact on attachments Slides designed by: Astell Evans (2007). Updated for Haringey (November 2014) All Rights reserved
Learning outcome (2) Understand the importance of play for children 2.1 explain why play is important for children Slides designed by: Astell Evans (2007). Updated for Haringey (November 2014) All Rights reserved
Learning outcome (3) 3 Know about ways adults can play with children to encourage their development 3.1 give examples of activities for an adult and a child of a stated age to play together to encourage the child’s development 3.2 explain how the activities given in 3.1 will promote the child’s development Slides designed by: Astell Evans (2007). Updated for Haringey (November 2014) All Rights reserved
Learning Objective (continued) To give the opportunity for foster carers to make a start or complete their Understanding the Development of Children and Young people workbooks Slides designed by: Astell Evans (2007). Updated for Haringey (November 2014) All Rights reserved
Reference Links with BTEC Level 3 Diploma for Residential Childcare: unit 9 Support Attachment and Positive Relationships for Children and Young People in Residential Childcare Factors e.g. ● previous experience of hostile or dysfunctional relationships ● frequent imposed transitions ● trauma ● grief and loss ● disability.
Reference Links to Leadership and management for health and social care and children and young people’s services (England) : unit 539 Lead the management of transitions Understand the impact of change and transitions on the well- being of individuals: 1.1 Explain ways in which transitions and significant life events affect individuals’ well-being 1.2 Analyse how theories on change inform approaches to the management of transitions. 1.3 Explain the concept of resilience in relation to transitions and significant life events 1.4 Analyse the factors that affect individuals’ ability to manage transitions and changes
Education & Teaching Consultancy TSD Standard 5 5.1 a: Understand the basic principles of how children and young people of all ages form attachments, how these attachments affect their development, and the impact of interrupted development, trauma, separation and loss Slides designed by: Astell Evans (2007). Updated for Haringey (November 2014) All Rights reserved Slides Designed by: Astell Evans (2007).Updated for Haringey March 2014) All Rights reserved
TSDS reference links (1) Education & Teaching Consultancy TSDS reference links (1) 5.1 a: Understand the basic principles of how children of all ages form attachments, how these attachments affect their development, and the impact of interrupted development, trauma, separation and loss. 5.1 b:Understand child development and the developmental needs of children and young people Slides designed by: Astell Evans (2007). Updated for Haringey (November 2014) All Rights reserved Slides Designed by: Astell Evans (2007).Updated for Haringey March 2014) All Rights reserved
Education & Teaching Consultancy TSDS links (2) 5.1 c: Understand the difference between chronological age and stages of development, and how this may affect a child or young person. Slides designed by: Astell Evans (2007). Updated for Haringey (November 2014) All Rights reserved Slides Designed by: Astell Evans (2007).Updated for Haringey March 2014) All Rights reserved
What does the psycho social term attachment mean? Education & Teaching Consultancy What does the psycho social term attachment mean? An affectionate bond between two individuals that endures through space and time and serves them emotionally (Klaus and Kennell, 1976) An attempt to maintain physical proximity with another person, who is usually seen as stronger (Bretherton, 1985) A psychological bond to a person who provides protection (Katz, 1994) Slides designed by: Astell Evans (2007). Updated for Haringey (November 2014) All Rights reserved Slides Designed by: Astell Evans (2007).Updated for Haringey March 2014) All Rights reserved
Characteristics/development outcomes of secure attachment Education & Teaching Consultancy Characteristics/development outcomes of secure attachment Sense of physical/, psychological safety protection Warmth, positive attention/interaction Connectedness, emotional responsiveness, sensitivity Stimulation, communication encouragement Consistency/predictability Capacity to cope with stress and frustration Slides designed by: Astell Evans (2007). Updated for Haringey (November 2014) All Rights reserved Slides Designed by: Astell Evans (2007).Updated for Haringey March 2014) All Rights reserved
Education & Teaching Consultancy ATTACHMENT An attachment is an emotional bond with another person. It is important that everyone involved in working with adults and children has a basic understanding of attachment theory. Working with issues of attachment and separation are at the heart of the work done by foster carers and other Council social care professionals. Slides designed by: Astell Evans (2007). Updated for Haringey (November 2014) All Rights reserved Slides Designed by: Astell Evans (2007).Updated for Haringey March 2014) All Rights reserved
Education & Teaching Consultancy Socialisation Generally, the process whereby individuals acquires the knowledge, values, facility with language, social skills and social sensitivity that enables him or her to become integrated into and behave adaptively within society. The process of the taking over by the state of services, industry and other institutions of a society for the benefit of all members. Slides designed by: Astell Evans (2007). Updated for Haringey (November 2014) All Rights reserved Slides Designed by: Astell Evans (2007).Updated for Haringey March 2014) All Rights reserved
Education & Teaching Consultancy Attachment Theory Bowlby’s work on attachment theory (1970, 1973, 1980) has been hugely influential on care worker practice. His research indicates: likely ill effects on personality development following prolonged institutional care and/or frequent changes of the ‘maternal’ figure, during the early years of life. Slides designed by: Astell Evans (2007). Updated for Haringey (November 2014) All Rights reserved Slides Designed by: Astell Evans (2007).Updated for Haringey March 2014) All Rights reserved
Education & Teaching Consultancy Secure attachments Most crucially, Bowlby’s work emphasised the role of attachment in promoting security and thereby encouraging the child to grow into a confident, self assured adult. Slides designed by: Astell Evans (2007). Updated for Haringey (November 2014) All Rights reserved Slides Designed by: Astell Evans (2007).Updated for Haringey March 2014) All Rights reserved
Education & Teaching Consultancy Much of his early work focused on the importance of attachment to, and loss of, the biological mother, and the subsequent problems that can develop when attachments are not formed in early life (‘Maternal deprivation’). These problems include difficulties in relating to others, developmental delays and low frustration tolerance. Many other researchers have since documented similar findings (Fahlberg 1994). Slides designed by: Astell Evans (2007). Updated for Haringey (November 2014) All Rights reserved Slides Designed by: Astell Evans (2007).Updated for Haringey March 2014) All Rights reserved
Education & Teaching Consultancy Physical closeness Research deriving from attachment theory has shown that the earliest relationships are not just a matter of physical survival. Physical closeness with another, not necessarily of an erotic kind, is itself rewarding. This idea is close to what the object relations analysts believe to be the fundamental human motivation – that of relating with other people – for the pleasures of intimacy and inter-subjectivity. Thus, the quality of the earliest interactions and the success of interpersonal ‘closeness’ between a caregiver and important is very important. Slides designed by: Astell Evans (2007). Updated for Haringey (November 2014) All Rights reserved Slides Designed by: Astell Evans (2007).Updated for Haringey March 2014) All Rights reserved
Education & Teaching Consultancy Building Trust (1) Astell: Some Children in Care have had very hard to live with experiences of being looked after. Some of the angry feelings might be directed towards care workers, whether foster carers or Residential care-workers, when you first meet. They may well push the boundaries test you out in the early periods of the placement to help them feel safe about ‘trusting you’. Slides designed by: Astell Evans (2007). Updated for Haringey (November 2014) All Rights reserved Slides Designed by: Astell Evans (2007).Updated for Haringey March 2014) All Rights reserved
Education & Teaching Consultancy Beginnings and building trust with fostered children & young people (2) Samantha: I try to help our fostered teenagers feel at ease with me by telling them a joke and getting them laughing. They soon start telling jokes back – they need a bit of humour to bring them out of themselves? Jennifer: Children and young people are often very scared when they first arrive. Its daunting going to live with strangers. I think you build up real trust over time by always being willing to listen and learn. You also need to be straightforward and honest, but in a caring way. Slides designed by: Astell Evans (2007). Updated for Haringey (November 2014) All Rights reserved Slides Designed by: Astell Evans (2007).Updated for Haringey March 2014) All Rights reserved
Education & Teaching Consultancy Building trust (3) Natasha: Its important to accept each child for who they are. Don’t expect that children are all going to be like us and want to share their innermost world at the first meeting. I’ve learnt that different cultures have a very different views about how people share their emotions and who they will share them with?. Slides designed by: Astell Evans (2007). Updated for Haringey (November 2014) All Rights reserved Slides Designed by: Astell Evans (2007).Updated for Haringey March 2014) All Rights reserved