Launching Pro Bono Italia! Giovanni Carotenuto, Esq. PILnet Global Forum 2017 Mini-Spark Talk on the Development of Pro Bono Around The World Budapest, 18° October 2017
Who we are Pro Bono Italia is a non-profit association, established in May 2017. It is the result of a «journey» begun in 2014 with the Italian Pro Bono Roundtable.
Our history To date, we held 21 regular meetings either in Rome or Milan, normally hosted by big law firms. Among the participants: lawyers, NGOs’ and clearinghouses’ representatives, and academics. Each meeting’s agenda includes: introduction of new NGOs, discussion upon new/on-going projects, and presentation of forth- coming events (such as the Pro Bono Masterclass scheduled for mid-November at the Court of Milan).
Our purpose Promotion and development of a pro bono culture in Italy. We foster an open dialogue between lawyers, NGOs, clearing-houses and legal clinics for the advancement of the common good, the protection of human rights and the improvement of the legal system. Our goal is to engage in a discussion with Bar Councils and competent authorities for the approval of laws, regulations and ethical standards related to pro bono.
Our members Law firms; solo practicioners; trainee lawyers; forensic associations. At present, there are 16 members
Beneficiaries Pro Bono Italia provides, through its members, legal advice and representation in Court, free of charge and on a voluntary basis, to: non-profit organisations pursuing social welfare; and private individuals unable to afford legal assistance and/or access justice.
Our network 300 + participants, of which: 63 law firms and solo practioners; 48 NGOs; 10 large corporations; 6 legal clinics; 2 clearinghouses
Clearinghouses Pro Bono Italia cooperates with two clearinghouses, established by: CILD (Italian Coalition for Civil Liberties and Rights) is a network of civil society organisations that protect and expand the rights and liberties of all, through a combination of advocacy, public education and legal action; and CSVnet (National coordination of Volunteer Service Centers) is a voluntary organisations’ network, established to improve their missions.
Pro bono requests met to date
Pro bono in Italy: which future? We are striving to make pro bono a reality in Italy. Nowadays, more and more lawyers are involved in pro bono matters, yet this field is still unregulated by law (except for legal aid). Above all, this is a cultural challenge, and we are ready to take it on!
Let’s keep in touch Giovanni Carotenuto – President of Pro Bono Italia