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Presentation transcript:

MEET THE TEACHER INFORMATION EVENING Class 2 Purpose of the Meeting Introduce Mrs Dani Marcroft and Mrs Jennie Petty - Class Teachers Mrs T Nichols – Teaching Assistant To introduce the Key Features of life in Year 2 To consider how you can support your child at home and school.

MEET THE TEACHER INFORMATION EVENING Class 2 New Beginnings Line up on playground independently. Morning Routine –once we’ve got into a routine the children will come into class and do an activity straight way, normally spellings or it may be a maths activity. There is a lunchbox/drinks trolley in classroom. Coats, PE kits and bags on labelled coat pegs. Girls reading books are changed Mondays and Thursdays and boys are Tuesdays and Fridays . We will sometimes be taking the children outside for outdoor learning. Therefore the children will need waterproofs and wellies in school..

MEET THE TEACHER INFORMATION EVENING Class 2 Our timetable Here is an example of a typical day. 8.55 – Register 9.00- Handwriting or phonics 9.30-10.30 – Numeracy 10.30 – 10.45 – Break 10.45 – 11.45 - Literacy 11.45 – 12.00 – Guided Reading , intervention groups, independent activities 12-1.15 - Lunch. 1.15 – Register 1.20 – 3.00 – Creative Curriculum/PE/Science/RE/PSHE 2.45 – Assembly –Monday and Wednesday, singing assembly -Thursday. 3.05 – Story then home time

MEET THE TEACHER INFORMATION EVENING Class 2 The Curriculum Topic for the Autumn Term is - The Great Fire of London. Main threads include:- This particular topic focuses on History. However, it is designed to be cross curricular. For a topic to be cross-curricular it needs to be accessible for all areas of learning and we enjoy bringing that topic into the different subjects. For example will we be making fire buns in our design and technology lessons. By encouraging the children to make meaningful links within their learning, we are therefore enriching their experiences.

MEET THE TEACHER INFORMATION EVENING Class 2 Throughout the topics, children will be taught investigative skills. These are as follows: Working Scientifically asking simple questions and recognising that they can be answered in different ways observing closely, using simple equipment performing simple tests identifying and classifying using their observations and ideas to suggest answers to questions gathering and recording data to help in answering questions Science The Science topics are: Uses of Everyday Materials Animals Including Humans Living things and their Habitats Sound Seasonal Changes Plants

MEET THE TEACHER INFORMATION EVENING Class 2 Literacy in Year 2 Phonics SPAG – spelling and grammar Writing – daily opportunities to write, independently and supported in Literacy focussed lessons and across the curriculum. Reading – regular group and individual reading sessions with Teacher and TA. Constant opportunities for reading across the curriculum. Handwriting – weekly handwriting focussed lesson. The Big Write Talk for Writing Numeracy in Year 2 Mental Maths – fast fun quick recall of number facts. Count in multiples of 2, 3, 5 and 10 Using and applying: problem solving, communicating and reasoning. Number: counting/understanding number, number facts and problems. Shape: 2D/3D shape, measuring and position. Handling data: processing, representing and interpreting .

MEET THE TEACHER INFORMATION EVENING Class 2 Our school code of conduct is RESPECT, this means – R – Responsible in all we do E – Encourage each other S – Safe and sensible in work and play P – Polite and considerate to everyone E – Enjoy being an ‘active learner’ C – Challenge and celebrate our efforts T – Trust each other and tell a member of staff if I am worried Our School Values as a Church School: 16 different ‘Values’. The Value of focus this term is Peace.

MEET THE TEACHER INFORMATION EVENING Class 2 Rewards & Celebrating Success How do children achieve awards? – through hard work, good effort or attainment, good listening, being respectful, achieving personal targets, being an outstanding role model… The rewards are:- Personal Merits – awarded for personal achievement House Points – more general positive behaviour Assembly Awards – for consistently striving for, or achieving their best Star Writer – personal achievement in writing Special Subject Achievement Awards – for excelling in a particular area or reaching a personal goal

MEET THE TEACHER INFORMATION EVENING Class 2 Behaviour It is very important that we are able to tell you if during the school day we have a behavioural incident involving your child. Blue Slips If we feel that your child’s behaviour is unacceptable, we will send home a blue slip, informing you of the problem that has occurred during the school day.

MEET THE TEACHER INFORMATION EVENING Class 2 The Learning Environment We are ‘Learning to Learn’ Encouraging independent learning through positive learning habits. Perseverance Concentration Curiosity Collaboration

MEET THE TEACHER INFORMATION EVENING Class 2 Home Learning in this class:- Reading books are changed twice weekly and time spent reading is anything from 10 minutes per day. Do read other texts, remember reading for enjoyment. Talk Homework – this is an activity that can be done independently or with an adult. Is does focus mainly on Literacy, however, it will also cover the other learning areas. Talk homework can be a great way to involve you in what your child is learning about. Spellings Times tables

MEET THE TEACHER INFORMATION EVENING Class 2 The Whole Child P.S.H.E – Personal, Social, Health and Education. RE – Multi-Faith curriculum, makes the children aware of how different faiths are and also enables them to respect others. Collective Worship – Is during Assembly Time, three times a week. Reflection Time – We use this time to recap on the Values. This area of learning is very important as it enables the child to reflect on their own lives and realise that everyone is an individual.

MEET THE TEACHER INFORMATION EVENING Class 2 Year 2 SATS The SATS will take place in May 2018. There are three tests – Reading, Maths and SPAG (Spelling and Grammar) The tests are designed to support our Teacher Assessments. The tests are very low key and the children are not made to feel under any pressure. Assessment – we continually assess the children but we formally assess them once a term. From these assessments we will produce targets for each child in Literacy and Numeracy. We will share those with you at Parent’s Evening.