Market Day Pitch [Business Name]
[Business Name] Partner Photo(s) [Partner Name]
Value Proposition Define your business’ value proposition in regards to Market Day. Be as detailed as possible!
Name Age Gender Disposable income Ethnic Group Customer Segment(s) Name Age Gender Disposable income Ethnic Group What does the consumer do during free time? What music does the consumer listen to? What clothes does the consumer wear? Describe who your typical customer is. Be descriptive! It might be easier to describe your typical customer in narrative form.
Market Research Market Research Conducted Results of Market Research Describe, in detail, what market research your business conducted. Explain the results of that market research.
Cost of Goods Sold (COGS) per Unit Cost of Goods Sold (COGS) per Unit - Direct Labor Definition of One Unit Cost of Goods Sold (COGS) per Unit Direct Labor (A) (Labor Cost per Hour) (Minimum Wage is $7.25) Time (in hours) to make 1 unit (B) Direct Labor Cost Per Unit (A)*(B) $ Total Direct Labor Per Unit
Cost of Goods Sold (COGS) per Unit Cost of Goods Sold (COGS) per Unit - Material Costs Definition of One Unit Cost of Goods Sold (COGS) per Unit Total Direct Labor Per Unit $ Material Description Cost/Total Quantity Cost Per Unit ($) Total Material Cost Per Unit COGS per Unit (labor +material)
Economics of One Unit (EOU) Definition of One Unit Selling Price per Unit (A) $ (A) Direct Labor per Unit (B) $ (B) Materials Costs per Unit (C) $ (C) COGS per Unit (B+C) $ (D) Gross Profit Per Unit (A-D) $
Operating Costs Operating Cost Market Day Cost School Tables / $2.50 per table $ Advertising (Flyers) / $1.00 dozen Rent (fee to occupy school space) $5.00 Business License and Inspection Fee $2.50 Outside Vendor Fee (if applicable-pizza, parents, etc.) - $5.00 Equipment Rental (i.e. blender, etc.) Total Market Day Operating Costs
Projected Net Income High Estimate Expected Estimate Low Estimate Selling price per unit $ Number of units sold Total Sales Revenue Total COGS (COGS per unit * # of units sold) Gross Profit (total sales – total COGS) Total Market Day Operating Costs Profit before taxes 10% Taxes (Profit before taxes x 0.1 = taxes) Net profit/loss
Venture Capital Request Total Market Day Operating Costs $ Total COGS Total Costs = Request for Funding $ (Realistic) Return on Investment (ROI) Net profit ÷ Start-up Investment X 100 = % Return on Sales (ROS) Net Profit ÷ Total Sales Revenue X 100 = Break-Even Units Total Costs (COGS + Op. Costs) ÷ Selling price per unit =
[SLOGAN] Thank you for your consideration of [business name] [names of business owners] [SLOGAN]