Drilling and sampling in foundation engineering Part 72-B1 Drilling and sampling in foundation engineering VIII/2014, modified XII/2016 (Part 72, PP 2007, animation+p/r: 2016.12.03 compr. Copyright notice Unauthorised copying of this presentation as whole or in parts in any form or by any means, electronic, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without prior written permision is prohibited. ready
Remarks to note during drilling A record of the driller’s observations on progress of drilling, rate of penetration, speed and uniformity of rotation of bit, action of the drill rig such as jerky, smooth, rough, steady etc. Length of each core run and the length, percentage or both of core recovered along with location and cause of core loss (core drilling only). Any changes in the character of the drilling water or mud, and in case the drilling water disappears, the elevation or depth where this happened. The driller’s interpretation and description of the nature of the formation(s) encountered in the drilling. Location and nature of cavities, seams, cracks, whether filled or open, soft or fractured rock and any other relevant information in connection with the purpose of the exploratory drilling. press press ready press press
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press ready “Tube-à-manchettes” multi-stage grouting method: casing for drilling = grouting pipe
“Tube-à-manchettes” multi-stage grouting method with casing for drilling press press ready 5 press 5
press ready “Tube-à-manchettes” multi-stage grouting method with separate casing for drilling 6 6
press ready “Tube-à-manchettes” multi-stage grouting method with separate casing for drilling 7 7
Drilled casings of “tube-à-manchettes” type Robit press ready Drilling for forepoling (= spiling = roofing) with Top Hammer press
Self-drilling rods Titan Jet-grouting Soilmec press ready Drilling for forepoling (= spiling = roofing) with Top Hammer – cont.
Drilling for forepoling with Top Hammer – system Minova KBS press ready
Drilling for forepoling with Top Hammer (cont Drilling for forepoling with Top Hammer (cont.) – system Minova KBS = “cousin” to ODEX G2 and TUBEX press ready
Drilling for forepoling with Top Hammer – system ALWAG AT - Casing System = next “cousin” to ODEX G2 and TUBEX press ready
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System ALWAG AT - Casing System: optionally targets ready
“Tube-à-manchettes” multi-stage grouting method with steel casing for drilling Recommended ready
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