The Lord Looks at the Heart: 1 Samuel 16:7 January 13, 2017
Have You Ever Been Stereotyped? People tend to evaluate you based on outward appearances. We tend to make snap judgments based on what we see and hear, since sight and sound are the main ways we perceive people. Unfortunately, most of us look only at the outside.
Man Looks at the Outside, But God Looks at the Heart: 1 Samuel 16:7 But the LORD said unto Samuel, Look not on his countenance, Or on the height of his stature; Because I have refused him: For the LORD seeth not as man seeth; For man looketh on the outward appearance, But the LORD looketh on the heart.
The Outward Appearance of David David was the youngest of eight brothers, so he was not the natural choice for a leadership position. Scripture says that he was handsome, and perhaps David eventually became tall: David wore Saul’s armor and wielded Goliath’s sword. (1 Samuel 17:39, 1 Samuel 21:9). In any case, 1 Samuel 16:7 says that we should not look “on the height of his stature…” King Saul was not only handsome, but he stood head and shoulders above his fellow Israelites. (1 Samuel 9:2)
God Rejected Saul as King Saul looked the part, but he disobeyed God: Saul was impatient: He did not wait for the priest to make a sacrifice before battle (1 Samuel 13) Saul was a people pleaser: He kept the spoils of war that he was supposed to destroy (1 Samuel 15:3). Saul “feared the people and obeyed their voice” (1 Samuel 15:24)
David Was A Man After God’s Own Heart I have found David the son of Jesse, A man after mine own heart, Which shall fulfil all my will. Acts 13:22 David was an adulterer and murderer (2 Samuel 11). But God chose David for his heart: He trusted the Lord, loved the Lord, and repented before the Lord.
“God Looks at the Heart”: How Can We Meditate on God’s Word? Charles Stanley described “meditate” in five steps: Read: We must know what God says in His word. Believe: We must believe His word and His promises. Absorb: We absorb Scripture into our thinking so that we understand it, and so it governs our thoughts. Apply: God’s word directs our way of living. Obey: We respond with complete obedience. Source: Charles Stanley on January 6, 2017 difficult-tasks.ashx
Read “…for man looketh on the outward appearance, But the Lord looketh on the heart.” 1 Samuel 16:7 It is true that people will look at the outside. It is true that people will stereotype you. But GOD looks at the heart.
Believe Do you believe that God looks at the heart? God didn’t judge Saul or David based on how tall they were; God looks at the heart. God promises to look at our heart, and not at our outward appearance. The world will stereotype you based on what they see and hear. You must choose: Who’s voice will you believe?
Absorb We understand God’s word so that it affects our thoughts. God looks at the heart: My heart, your heart, anyone’s heart. How does this promise affect your thinking: Does God consider beauty? Does God consider success? Does God consider our circumstances?
Absorb Absorb God’s promise that He looks at your heart: People will judge. People will stare. People will gossip. People will do all KINDS of things. But God looks at the heart. That’s the voice you should listen to and a promise you can count on.
Apply When people talk, have your sword ready: “God looks at the heart.” When people talk, you may not be able to quote chapter and verse. In fact, you may not even speak out loud. The key is to know it for yourself. You need to believe it.
Apply You may be a trained expert in your field, but based on outward appearances, some people say things that they shouldn’t. People will judge, people will gossip, and people will stereotype you. THEN YOU REMEMBER GOD’S PROMISE: “God looks at the heart.” If you are saved, God loves you, God treasures you, and God judges you righteous in Christ.
Obey Complete obedience comes from what we REALLY believe about God and God’s promises. Obedience is a process: It takes time to “Trust and obey.” Don’t force it, and don’t copy someone else. I can’t give you my conviction. I can’t give you my confidence. But I CAN share the Word and point you to Jesus.
Closing with a Trick Question: Can You Name This Group of People? Positives: These are honest, hard working people. This group is know for being good friends and good neighbors. They are devoted to family. They love food, celebrations, and they love the holidays. Negatives: They like to have a good time and they can be hard-living people. Some of them have a weakness for drugs or alcohol. They may have a “poor man’s pride” and become angry when disrespected.
These Characteristics Can Describe ANY Group of People Satan wants you to think that your social group is special. Satan appeals to personal pride and family pride. Satan appeals to group pride, ethnic pride, and national pride. Satan loves to use stereotypes to divide people, but… “The Lord looketh at the heart.”
Let Us Pray… We thank you Jesus for saving our souls. Please help us to meditate on your precious promises. Help us to read, believe, absorb, apply, and obey. “The Lord looks at the heart.” Help us to meditate on this promise, especially when people try to label us. Help us to listen to YOUR voice, and not the voices around us. This we pray in Jesus’ name. Amen.
Galatians 3:28 Gálatas 3:28 KJV RV 1960 There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither Bond [slave] nor free, There is neither male nor female: for ye are all one in Christ Jesus. Ya no hay judío ni griego; No hay esclavo ni libre; No hay varón ni mujer; Porque todos vosotros Sois uno en Cristo Jesús.
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