TRANSFORMATION UPDATE JOINT FORCES COMMAND TRANSFORMATION UPDATE John Ryneska J9 Assistant Joint Deployment, Employment and Sustainment (JDES) US Joint Forces Command
Logistics Transformation For JFCOM Joint Forces Command Mission Areas Joint Force Provider Integration Training JCD&E Joint Logistics Transformation Center (JLTC) Joint Deployment Process Owner (JDPO) Partnering With: OSD Office Of Force Transformation Joint Staff J4 Service Battle Labs Service Doctrine / Concept Leads TRANSCOM / DLA / DARPA /DISA Regional Combatant Commands
Delivering Innovation DECISION POINTS = What concepts To develop? = What concepts become prototypes? 3. = What prototypes become fielded capabilities?
Delivering Innovation DECISION POINTS = What concepts To develop? = What concepts become prototypes? 3. = What prototypes become fielded capabilities?
Delivering Innovation DECISION POINTS = What concepts To develop? = What concepts become prototypes? 3. = What prototypes become fielded capabilities?
Delivering Innovation Hand-off to institutionalize Prototype Decision: SJFHQ and its enabling concepts (Chairman’s Guidance letter, 26 November, 2002) Future Prototype Decisions Joint Concept Development Focus, FY03-05 (Joint Chiefs of Staff and Combatant Commanders Approval - Jan 03) DECISION POINTS = What concepts To develop? = What concepts become prototypes? 3. = What prototypes become fielded capabilities? Rapid Decisive Operations (RDO) - featured Millennium Challenge 2002 (MC02) concept (CJCS Guidance, 17 April, 2000)
Joint Concept Development and Experimentation Strategy Leverage Combatant Commander Exercises and Operations Leverage Service Sponsored Wargames and Seminars Field the Standing Joint Force Headquarters (SJFHQ) – including the enabling concepts for developing transformational joint command and control Deliver rapid, prototyping of capabilities to improve joint warfighting now FY 04 FY 05 FY 06 Joint Prototype Path Millennium Challenge Operational Lessons Learned FY 01 Include our Combatant Commands, Services, Defense Agencies and Multinational partners; collaborate in experimentation activities Unified Vision Joint Concept Development Path Provide actionable recommendations from experimentation results to senior leaders to inform options for future force investments FY 04 FY 05 FY 06 Leverage Combatant Commander Exercises and Operations Leverage Service Sponsored Wargames and Seminars
Joint Concept Development and Experimentation Strategy Combatant Commanders Joint Staff Services Joint Areas of Experimentation Conducting and Supporting Distributed Operations Achieving Decision Superiority Creating Coherent Effects Achieving info superiority (anticipatory understanding) Decision making in a Collaborative Information Environment Coalition and interagency info sharing Global integration Joint ISR Info operations and info assurance Joint maneuver and strike: Global Operational Tactical Interagency ops Multinational ops Precise effects Urban operations Deny sanctuary Transition Ops Force projection: Deployment, Employment and Sustainability Force protection and base protection Counter anti-access and area-denial (includes Forcible Entry Ops) Low density high demand assets Proper decentralization DCEE Capacity over the next FY: Our goal is to be able to conduct 10 Workshops, 2 Wargames and one Limited Objective Experiment per Quarter. Potential over the next FY: With an IOC of 1 Apr 02, and in concert with our current Campaign Plan, we will conduct and/or participate in 42 Small Lab Workshops, 11 Wargames and 5 Limited Objective Experiments. While this exceeds what we believe is our steady state capacity, we will scope some events to meet the concept driven requirements. How does it link the pathways? The DCEE supports events on both the Concept Development and the Prototyping pathways. While the CD pathway is focused on the far term and the 2015-2020 timeframe, some of the observations and insights will also apply to the near term. Near term observations on the Prototyping pathway will similarly apply to the CD pathway. With planning teams, Analysts and Red, White and Blue Cell members working on both pathways we will ensure that these insights are captured and carried into the other pathway. Cost? The cost to run the DCEE for a year will run $20-25 Million and vary according to contractor manning, hardware and software upgrades, and networking. Timeline until operational: IOC estimated as 1 Apr 03. First Venue for its use: Current plan is the PI03 would be the first event for the new facility. However, we have been conducting workshops in the temporary facility since 1 Oct 02. Joint Concept Development Path Provide actionable recommendations from experimentation results to senior leaders to inform options for future force investments FY 04 FY 05 FY 06 Leverage Combatant Commander Exercises and Operations Leverage Service Sponsored Wargames and Seminars
Inputs: Joint Mission Area Analysis for JDES… Over 180 Issues Combatant Commanders Mission Area Analysis By JFCOM Lessons Learned & Re-Learned Joint Experiments Inputs: Focused Logistics Warfighting 03 Conference of Logistics Directors JDPO Joint Operations Concepts LOG MIWG Joint Staff J4/J6 Services OSD JDES Concept Scorecard Over 180 Issues Planning Process Command & Control Force Packaging & Mobility Sense & Respond Methodology 3 Related To Deployment & Sustainment - - JDES 15 15 39 Critical Far Term Issues 6
JDES Maturation Way Ahead Expanded, Cosponsored, Experimental Environment * Wargames Modeling and Simulation Activities Workshops Operational Lessons Learned Collaborative Development UQ 03 Apr 03 PI 03 May 03 MCO WS Jun 03 MCO WS Aug 03 Navy Anti Access Oct 03 UQ04 STAFFEX 1 Prototype Capabilities Incorporated in Combatant Command Exercise Programs Deployment Distribution Ops Cntr UQ04 STAFFEX 2: Feb 04 Sea Viking WS: Jan 04 MCO WS 0: Jan 04 MCO WG 1 May 04 JFCOM / Army UQ 04 May 04 PROTOTYPE We are on schedule to deliver a initial version of the concept in Dec. This version has been developed collaboratively through onsite events here at Joint Forces Command and through participation in service sponsored wargames and external reviews. After additional experimentation we plan on delivering updated versions of the concept in keeping with the requirement identified in the Transformation Planning Guidance. DISCOVERY V 1.0 Hypothesis V 2.0 V 3.0 MCO Wargame 2: Nov 04 Sea Viking Oct 04 STAB Ops WG: Sep 04 JFCOM/JDES WG (T) Jan 05 Hypothesis Experimentation Requires: Modeling Principles, Tasks, and Capabilities (Service & Joint) Relationships Determined in a Simulated Environment
QUESTIONS Describes how the future Joint Force will operate across the range of military operations in the next 15-20 years Provides operational context for transformation of Armed Forces of the United States Provides the conceptual framework joint operations and for concept development and experimentation. Provides foundation for development and acquisition of new capabilities