KNOW YOUR EARTH PROJECT 2014 QUIZ COLLECTION The Know Your Earth Project 2014 aligned to the larger NASA Earth Right Now Campaign through the creation of nine NASA Earth science quizzes. The quizzes, released throughout 2014, focused on current NASA Earth science research topics and were centered on specific Earth science themes. These quizzes were developed for the general public, as well as classroom teaching supplements for K-12. QUIZ TOPICS CHECK OUT ALL THE MISSIONS AND AIRBORNE CAMPAIGNS THAT ARE PART OF THE NASA KNOW YOUR EARTH PROJECT THE AIR WE BREATHE Aqua AirMOSS Aquarius Aura Cloudsat CALIPSO Discover-AQ GPM GRACE HS3 IceBridge ICESat-2 Jason-2/OSTM Jason 3 Landsat OCO-2 QuikSCAT RapidScat SAGE III on ISS SMAP Suomi NPP Terra TRMM CARBON CLOUDS & AEROSOLS THE OCEAN OUR HOME PLANET EXTREME WEATHER Social Media plays a vital role in getting these quizzes out to the public! Know Your Earth Facebook page has 23,000+ followers from 45 countries! SOIL MOISTURE PRECIPITATION & THE WATER CYCLE THE FROZEN POLES WWW.NASA.GOV/KNOWYOUREARTH Brian Campbell/GST/NASA WFF February 2015