James A. Larson Intel Corporation jim@larson-tech.com VoiceXML Overview James A. Larson Intel Corporation jim@larson-tech.com (c) 2007 Larson Technical Services
Outline Motivation for VoiceXML W3C Speech Interface Framework Languages Dialog—VoiceXML 2.0 Speech Synthesis—SSML Grammars—SRGS Semantic Interpretation—SI VoiceXML 2.1 (c) 2007 Larson Technical Services
VoiceXML in the Marketplace VoiceXML 2.0 is now ratified as a Recommendation (e.g., official standard) by the W3C Hundreds of millions of VoiceXML calls are answered every day VoiceXML is the standard for building speech-enabled applications (c) 2007 Larson Technical Services
Motivation for Speech Applications Users access Web sites from any telephone, anywhere, any time. Speaking and listening are the natural usage modes for phones. (c) 2007 Larson Technical Services
Strength of VoiceXML Applications Traditional system-directed dialogs for novice users Mixed initiative dialogs for experienced users Novice users smoothly become experienced users at their own pace (c) 2007 Larson Technical Services
Limitations of VoiceXML Applications No special analysis of speech input Not suitable for training speech skills—Reading, ESL, singing, etc. VUI conversational bandwidth is slower than GUI conversational bandwidth Using a VUI is like drinking from Lake Superior with a straw (c) 2007 Larson Technical Services
Exercise 1 Name or describe a speech application you could use at work. Name or describe a speech application you or family member can use at home. (c) 2007 Larson Technical Services
XML XML = eXtensible Markup Language Elements are surrounded by tags <prompt>Welcome to the voice system </prompt> Elements may be nested <prompt> Welcome to Ajax Travel <break/> we have the cheapest fares </prompt> Elements may have attributes <choice next="#boat"> <grammar type="application/grammar+xml" version="1.0" root = "by_boat" src = “boat.grxml”> Because “<”, “>”, and “&” have special meanings “<” in place of “<” “>” in place of “>” “&” in place of “&”. (c) 2007 Larson Technical Services
Outline Motivation for VoiceXML W3C Speech Interface Framework Languages Dialog—VoiceXML 2.0 Speech Synthesis—SSML Grammars—SRGS Semantic Interpretation—SI VoiceXML 2.1 (c) 2007 Larson Technical Services
Documents Web Browser Database Server Speech Server/Gateway Web Server Multimedia Files HTML Scripts VoiceXML Scripts Web Browser DB Voice Browser Capture Voice Grammars ASR Database Server DTMF Replay Audio Audio Files TTS Speech Server/Gateway Web Server (c) 2007 Larson Technical Services
W3C Speech Interface Framework VoiceXML 2.0 Speech Synthesis Call Control Semantic Interpretation Other Grammar (c) 2007 Larson Technical Services
Status of W3C Speech Interface Languages Recommendation Proposed Candidate Last Call Working Draft Requirements Voice XML 2.0 Grammar (SRGS) Synthesis (SSML) Semantic Interpret- Ration (SISR) Voice XML 2.1 Call Control (CCXML) V3 (c) 2007 Larson Technical Services
Outline Motivation for VoiceXML W3C Speech Interface Framework Languages Dialog—VoiceXML 2.0 Speech Synthesis—SSML Grammars—SRGS Semantic Interpretation—SI VoiceXML 2.1 (c) 2007 Larson Technical Services
Example of VoiceXML 2.0 Fragment Dialog Language (VocieXML 2.0) Speech Synthesis Markup Language (SSML) Speech Recognition Grammar Specification (SRGS) Semantic Interpretation (SI) <?xml version="1.0"?> <vxml version="2.0"> <form> … <field name = "account"> <prompt> Which account <break/> <emphasis> savings </emphasis> or <emphasis> checking </emphasis> </prompt> <grammar type = "application/grammar+xml" root = “account_type" mode = "voice"> <rule id = “account_type"> <one-of> <item> savings </item> <item> checking </item> <item> CD </item> <item> certificate of deposit <tag>$ = “CD”<tag> </item> </one-of> </rule> </grammar> </field> …. </form> </vxml> (c) 2007 Larson Technical Services
Example of VoiceXML 2.0 Fragment Dialog Language (VocieXML 2.0) Speech Synthesis Markup Language (SSML) Speech Recognition Grammar Specification (SRGS) Semantic Interpretation (SI) <?xml version="1.0"?> <vxml version="2.0"> <form> … <field name = "account"> <prompt> Which account <break/> <emphasis> savings </emphasis> or <emphasis> checking </emphasis> </prompt> <grammar type = "application/grammar+xml" root = “account_type" mode = "voice"> <rule id = “account_type"> <one-of> <item> savings </item> <item> checking </item> <item> CD </item> <item> certificate of deposit <tag>$ = “CD”<tag> </item> </one-of> </rule> </grammar> </field> …. </form> </vxml> (c) 2007 Larson Technical Services
Example of VoiceXML 2.0 Fragment Dialog Language (VocieXML 2.0) Speech Synthesis Markup Language (SSML) Speech Recognition Grammar Specification (SRGS) Semantic Interpretation (SI) <?xml version="1.0"?> <vxml version="2.0"> <form> … <field name = "account"> <prompt> Which account <break/> <emphasis> savings </emphasis> or <emphasis> checking </emphasis> </prompt> <grammar type = "application/grammar+xml" root = “account_type" mode = "voice"> <rule id = “account_type"> <one-of> <item> savings </item> <item> checking </item> <item> CD </item> <item> certificate of deposit <tag>$ = “CD”<tag> </item> </one-of> </rule> </grammar> </field> …. </form> </vxml> (c) 2007 Larson Technical Services
Example of VoiceXML 2.0 Fragment Dialog Language (VocieXML 2.0) Speech Synthesis Markup Language (SSML) Speech Recognition Grammar Specification (SRGS) Semantic Interpretation (SI) <?xml version="1.0"?> <vxml version="2.0"> <form> … <field name = "account"> <prompt> Which account <break/> <emphasis> savings </emphasis> or <emphasis> checking </emphasis> </prompt> <grammar type = "application/grammar+xml" root = “account_type" mode = "voice"> <rule id = “account_type"> <one-of> <item> savings </item> <item> checking </item> <item> CD </item> <item> certificate of deposit <tag>new.account = “CD”<tag> </item> </one-of> </rule> </grammar> </field> …. </form> </vxml> (c) 2007 Larson Technical Services
VoiceXML 2.0 features Menus, forms, sub-dialogs Inputs Output <menu>, <form>, <subdialog> Inputs Speech recognition <grammar> Recording <record> Keypad <grammar mode=“dtmf”> Output Audio files <audio> Text-to-speech <prompt> Variables <var> <script> <assign> Events <nomatch>, <noinput>, <help>, <catch>, <throw> Transition and submission <goto>, <submit> Telephony Connection control <transfer>, <disconnect> Telephony information Platform Objects Performance Fetch Telephony features Simple connection control Transfer to 3rd party <transfer> Add 3rd party <transfer bridge=“true”> Disconnect user <disconnect> Telephony information Automatic Number Identification Dialed Number Information Service Information Indicator Digit Platform features Invoke platform-specific functionality <object> SpeechObject custom credit card dialog Cell phone current location (latitude/longitude) Thermostat settings Control platform properties <property) Speech recognition threshold level Recognition-based bargein vs. energy-based Performance features Voice browsers optimized fetching Authors given close control over fetching (c) 2007 Larson Technical Services
Typical Form Fill-In <form> <block> <prompt>Welcome to the electronic payment system.</prompt> </block> <field name="card_number"> <prompt> Please enter your credit card number? </prompt> <grammar src=“http://www.ajax.com/credit_card_number.grxml"/> </field> <field name="date"> <prompt>Please enter your expiration date </prompt> <grammar src=“http://www.ajax.com/credit_card_date.grxml"/> </form> (c) 2007 Larson Technical Services
Exercise 2 Capture “birth date” <form> <block> <prompt> _____________________ </prompt> </block> <field name = "month"> <prompt> _______________________________</prompt> <grammar src=“http://www.ajax.com/month.grxml"/> </field> <field name = "day"> <prompt> ______________________________ </prompt> <grammar src=“http://www.ajax.com/day.grxml"/> <field name = "year"> <grammar src=“http://www.ajax.com/year.grxml"/> </form> (c) 2007 Larson Technical Services
Event Handlers Deal with exceptional or error conditions Control mechanism for dialog turn retries <catch event=“noinput”> … </catch> <catch event=“nomatch” … </catch> <catch event=“help”> … </catch> Shorthand notation available <noinput> … </noinput>, etc. Scoped according to where they occur <form>, <field>, etc. (c) 2007 Larson Technical Services
Adding Event Handlers <form> <prompt> When were you born? </prompt> <field name = "month"> <catch event=“noinput”> ….. </catch> <catch event=“nomatch> <prompt> What month?</prompt> <grammar src=“http://www.ajax.com/month.grxml"/> </field> </form> (c) 2007 Larson Technical Services
Adding Event Handlers <form> <prompt> When were you born? </prompt> <field name = "month"> <catch event=“noinput”> ….. </catch> <catch event=“nomatch> <prompt> What month?</prompt> <grammar src=“http://www.ajax.com/month.grxml"/> </field> </form> (c) 2007 Larson Technical Services
Adding Event Handlers <form> <prompt> When were you born? </prompt> <field name = "month"> <catch event=“noinput”> ….. </catch> <catch event=“nomatch> <prompt> What month?</prompt> <grammar src=“http://www.ajax.com/month.grxml"/> </field> </form> (c) 2007 Larson Technical Services
Default Event Handlers <catch event = "nomatch"> <prompt> I did not understand, please try again </prompt> </catch> <catch event = "help"> <prompt> Sorry, no help is available. </prompt> </catch> <catch event = "noinput"> <prompt> I did not hear anything, please speak again </prompt> </catch> (c) 2007 Larson Technical Services
Exercise 3 Write event handlers for the month field <catch event = "nomatch"> <prompt> __________________________ </prompt> </catch> <catch event = "help"> <prompt> ____________________ </prompt> </catch> <catch event = "noinput"> <prompt> ___________________________________ </prompt> </catch> (c) 2007 Larson Technical Services
Outline Motivation for VoiceXML W3C Speech Interface Framework Languages Dialog—VoiceXML 2.0 Speech Synthesis—SSML Grammars—SRGS Semantic Interpretation—SI VoiceXML 2.1 (c) 2007 Larson Technical Services
Speech Synthesis ML Structure Analysis Text Normali- zation Text-to- Phoneme Conversion Prosody Analysis Waveform Production Markup support: p, s Non-markup behavior: infer structure by automated text analysis Critic: I don’t want to use to use TTS, it’s too difficult to understand Fresponse: Developers can replay audio files, use TTS, or a combination of both. Developers can rely upon defaults from the TTS engine, or specify commands to override defaults (c) 2007 Larson Technical Services
Before and after Structure Analysis Before structure analysis Dr. Smith lives at 214 Elm Dr. He weights 214 lb. He plays bass guitar. He also likes to fish; last week he caught a 19 lb. bass. After structure analysis <p> <s> Dr. Smith lives at 214 Elm Dr. </s> He weights 214 lb. <s> He plays bass guitar. </s> He also likes to fish; last week he caught a 19 lb. bass. </p> (c) 2007 Larson Technical Services
Speech Synthesis ML Structure Analysis Text Normali- zation Text-to- Phoneme Conversion Prosody Analysis Waveform Production Markup support: p, s Non-markup behavior: infer structure by automated text analysis Critic: I don’t want to use to use TTS, it’s too difficult to understand Fresponse: Developers can replay audio files, use TTS, or a combination of both. Developers can rely upon defaults from the TTS engine, or specify commands to override defaults Markup support: say-as for dates, times, etc. sub for aliasing Non-markup behavior: automatically identify and convert constructs (c) 2007 Larson Technical Services
After Text Normalization <p> <s> <sub alias= "doctor">Dr. </sub> Smith lives at 214 Elm <sub alias = "drive">Dr. </sub> </s> He weights 214<sub alias= "pounds"> lb. </sub> He plays bass guitar. He also likes to fish; last week he caught a 19 <sub alias= "pound"> lb. </sub> bass. </p> (c) 2007 Larson Technical Services
Speech Synthesis ML Structure Analysis Text Normali- zation Text-to- Phoneme Conversion Prosody Analysis Waveform Production Markup support: phoneme, say-as Non-markup behavior: look up in pronunciation dictionary Markup support: p, s Non-markup behavior: infer structure by automated text analysis Critic: I don’t want to use to use TTS, it’s too difficult to understand Fresponse: Developers can replay audio files, use TTS, or a combination of both. Developers can rely upon defaults from the TTS engine, or specify commands to override defaults Markup support: say-as for dates, times, etc. sub for aliasing Non-markup behavior: automatically identify and convert constructs (c) 2007 Larson Technical Services
After text-to-phoneme conversion <sub alias = "doctor">Dr.</sub> Smith lives at <say-as interpret-as = “address"> 214 </sayas> Elm <sub alias = "drive">Dr. </sub> </s> He weighs <sayas interpret-as = “number”>214 </sayas> <sub alias= "pounds"> lb.</sub> He plays <phoneme alphabet = “IPA" ph="b@s">bass</phoneme> guitar. He also likes to fish; last week he caught a <sayas interpret-as= “number">19 </sayas> <sub alias= "pound"> lb. </sub> <phoneme alphabet = “IPA" ph="bas">bass</phoneme>. </p> (c) 2007 Larson Technical Services
Speech Synthesis ML Structure Analysis Text Normali- zation Text-to- Phoneme Conversion Prosody Analysis Waveform Production Markup support: phoneme, say-as Non-markup behavior: look up in pronunciation dictionary Markup support: p, s Non-markup behavior: infer structure by automated text analysis Markup support: emphasis, break, prosody Non-markup behavior: automatically generate prosody through analysis of document structure and sentence syntax Critic: I don’t want to use to use TTS, it’s too difficult to understand Fresponse: Developers can replay audio files, use TTS, or a combination of both. Developers can rely upon defaults from the TTS engine, or specify commands to override defaults Markup support: say-as for dates, times, etc. sub for aliasing Non-markup behavior: automatically identify and convert constructs (c) 2007 Larson Technical Services
Prosody Analysis (Initial text) <prompt> Environmental control menu. Do you want to adjust the lighting or temperature? </prompt> (c) 2007 Larson Technical Services
Prosody Analysis <prompt> Environmental control menu <break/> <emphasis level = "reduced" > do you want to adjust the </emphasis> <emphasis level = "strong"> lighting </emphasis> <break/> or <emphasis level = "strong"> temperature? </emphasis> </prompt> (c) 2007 Larson Technical Services
Speech Synthesis ML Structure Analysis Text Normali- zation Text-to- Phoneme Conversion Prosody Analysis Waveform Production Markup support: voice, audio* Markup support: phoneme, say-as Non-markup behavior: look up in pronunciation dictionary Markup support: paragraph, sentence Non-markup behavior: infer structure by automated text analysis *audio icons, branding, advertising Markup support: emphasis, break, prosody Non-markup behavior: automatically generate prosody through analysis of document structure and sentence syntax Critic: I don’t want to use to use TTS, it’s too difficult to understand response: Developers can replay audio files, use TTS, or a combination of both. Developers can rely upon defaults from the TTS engine, or specify commands to override defaults Markup support: say-as for dates, times, etc. sub for aliasing Non-markup behavior: automatically identify and convert constructs (c) 2007 Larson Technical Services
Wave Form Production <prompt> <audio src=“http://www.example.com/adjust.wav" > <desc> Environmental control menu. Do you want to adjust the lighting or temperature </desc> </audio> </prompt> (c) 2007 Larson Technical Services
Exercise 4 (insert SSML commands) <prompt> Welcome to Ajax Bank do you want to withdraw or deposit funds? </prompt> (c) 2007 Larson Technical Services
Outline Motivation for VoiceXML W3C Speech Interface Framework Languages Dialog—VoiceXML 2.0 Speech Synthesis—SSML Grammars—SRGS Semantic Interpretation—SI VoiceXML 2.1 (c) 2007 Larson Technical Services
Grammars Describe what the user may say at a point in the dialog Enable the speech recognition engine to work faster and more accurately Consist of one or more “rules” (c) 2007 Larson Technical Services
Example Grammar <grammar type = "application/srgs+xml" root = "zero_to_ten" mode = "voice"> <rule id = "zero_to_ten"> <one-of> <item> zero </item> <ruleref uri = "#single_digit"/> <item> ten </item> </one-of> </rule> <rule id = "single_digit"> <one-of> <item> one </item> <item> two </item> <item> three </item> <item> four </item> <item> five </item> <item> six </item> <item> seven </item> <item> eight </item> <item> nine </item> </one-of> </rule> </grammar> XML form of grammars (c) 2007 Larson Technical Services
should start with the “zero_to_ten” rule Example Grammar <grammar type = "application/srgs+xml" root = "zero_to_ten" mode = "voice"> <rule id = "zero_to_ten"> <one-of> <item> zero </item> <ruleref uri = "#single_digit"/> <item> ten </item> </one-of> </rule> <rule id = "single_digit"> <one-of> <item> one </item> <item> two </item> <item> three </item> <item> four </item> <item> five </item> <item> six </item> <item> seven </item> <item> eight </item> <item> nine </item> </one-of> </rule> </grammar> Grammar processor should start with the “zero_to_ten” rule (c) 2007 Larson Technical Services
Example Grammar <grammar type = "application/srgs+xml" root = "zero_to_ten" mode = "voice"> <rule id = "zero_to_ten"> <one-of> <item> zero </item> <ruleref uri = "#single_digit"/> <item> ten </item> </one-of> </rule> <rule id = "single_digit"> <one-of> <item> one </item> <item> two </item> <item> three </item> <item> four </item> <item> five </item> <item> six </item> <item> seven </item> <item> eight </item> <item> nine </item> </one-of> </rule> </grammar> This is a grammar used by the speech recognizer. (There may also be grammars for DTMF recognizers.) (c) 2007 Larson Technical Services
Example Grammar Rule describing single digits <grammar type = "application/srgs+xml" root = "zero_to_ten" mode = "voice"> <rule id = "zero_to_ten"> <one-of> <item> zero </item> <ruleref uri = "#single_digit"/> <item> ten </item> </one-of> </rule> <rule id = "single_digit"> <one-of> <item> one </item> <item> two </item> <item> three </item> <item> four </item> <item> five </item> <item> six </item> <item> seven </item> <item> eight </item> <item> nine </item> </one-of> </rule> </grammar> Rule describing digits one through ten (c) 2007 Larson Technical Services
<one-of> describes Example Grammar <grammar type = "application/srgs+xml" root = "zero_to_ten" mode = "voice"> <rule id = "zero_to_ten"> <one-of> <item> zero </item> <ruleref uri = "#single_digit"/> <item> ten </item> </one-of> </rule> <rule id = "single_digit"> <one-of> <item> one </item> <item> two </item> <item> three </item> <item> four </item> <item> five </item> <item> six </item> <item> seven </item> <item> eight </item> <item> nine </item> </one-of> </rule> </grammar> <one-of> describes alternatives (c) 2007 Larson Technical Services
Rule element references another rule Example Grammar <grammar type = "application/srgs+xml" root = "zero_to_ten" mode = "voice"> <rule id = "zero_to_ten"> <one-of> <item> zero </item> <ruleref uri = "#single_digit"/> <item> ten </item> </one-of> </rule> <rule id = "single_digit"> <one-of> <item> one </item> <item> two </item> <item> three </item> <item> four </item> <item> five </item> <item> six </item> <item> seven </item> <item> eight </item> <item> nine </item> </one-of> </rule> </grammar> Rule element references another rule (c) 2007 Larson Technical Services
Example Grammar <grammar type = "application/srgs+xml" root = "zero_to_ten" mode = "voice"> <rule id = "zero_to_ten"> <one-of> <item> zero </item> <ruleref uri = "#single_digit"/> <item> ten </item> </one-of> </rule> <rule id = "single_digit"> <one-of> <item> one </item> <item> two </item> <item> three </item> <item> four </item> <item> five </item> <item> six </item> <item> seven </item> <item> eight </item> <item> nine </item> </one-of> </rule> </grammar> Exercise 5: Write a grammar for that recognizes the digits zero to nineteen (c) 2007 Larson Technical Services
More Grammar Elements Repeat and optional Sequence Garbage <rule id = "goodness" scope = "public"> <item repeat = "0-3" > very </item> good </rule> Sequence <rule id = "twenty_thru_twentynine“> Twenty <ruleref uri = "#single_digit"/> Garbage <rule name = "James_Lewis"> <item> James <ruleref special = “garbage"/> Lewis </item> (c) 2007 Larson Technical Services
Reusing existing grammars type = "application/srgs+xml" root = "size” src = “http://www.example.com/size.grxml"/> (c) 2007 Larson Technical Services
Outline Motivation for VoiceXML W3C Speech Interface Framework Languages Dialog—VoiceXML 2.0 Speech Synthesis—SSML Grammars—SRGS Semantic Interpretation—SI VoiceXML 2.1 (c) 2007 Larson Technical Services
Semantic Interpretation Semantic Interpretation defines how to extract and modify the results returned by the speech recognition engine Semantic interpretation instructions contained in the <tag> element Two kinds of syntax for <tag> contents: Semantic Literals (literal values) Semantic Scripts (ECMAScript) (c) 2007 Larson Technical Services
Semantic Interpretation Semantic Literals example: <rule id=“drink“> <one-of> <item> coca cola <tag> coke </tag> </item> <item> cola <tag> coke </tag> </item> <item> black fizzy stuff <tag> coke </tag> </item> <item> coke </item> </one-of> </rule> (c) 2007 Larson Technical Services
Semantic Interpretation Semantic Literals example: <rule id=“drink“> <one-of> <item> coca cola <tag> coke </tag> </item> <item> cola <tag> coke </tag> </item> <item> black fizzy stuff <tag>coke </tag> </item> <item> coke </item> Default Assignment </one-of> </rule> (c) 2007 Larson Technical Services
No Semantic Scripts fourteen Grammar with Semantic Interpretation VoiceXML Interpreter ASR text Semantic Interpretation Processor ECMAScript object (c) 2007 Larson Technical Services
No Semantic Interpretation fourteen Grammar with Semantic Interpretation Scripts fourteen VoiceXML Interpreter ASR text Semantic Interpretation Processor ECMAScript object (c) 2007 Larson Technical Services
Semantic Interpretation fourteen <item> fourteen <tag>new.quantity=“14”;</tag> </item> Grammar with Semantic Interpretation Scripts VoiceXML Interpreter ASR text Semantic Interpretation Processor ECMAScript object (c) 2007 Larson Technical Services
Semantic Interpretation fourteen fourteen <item> fourteen <tag>new.quantity=“14”;</tag> </item> Grammar with Semantic Interpretation Scripts VoiceXML Interpreter ASR text Semantic Interpretation Processor ECMAScript object { quantity: “14” } (c) 2007 Larson Technical Services
Semantic Interpretation Semantic Scripts employ ECMAScript Advantages: Richer structure (objects) Ability to perform computations (c) 2007 Larson Technical Services
Semantic Interpretation Large white Example grammar rule with Script Syntax: <rule id = "action"> <one-of> <item> small <tag> out.size = "small"; </tag> </item> <item> medium <tag> out.size = "medium"; </tag> </item> <item> large <tag> out.size = “large"; </tag> </item> </one-of> <one-of> <item> green <tag> out.color = "green"; </tag> </item> <item> blue <tag> out.color = "blue"; </tag> </item> <item> white <tag> out.color = "white"; </tag> </item> </one-of> </rule> ECMAScript structure: action: { size: "large" color: "white" } (c) 2007 Larson Technical Services
Semantic Interpretation Example grammar rule with Script Syntax: <rule id="calculator"> What is <ruleref uri="#digit"/><tag>$.total = $digit;</tag> <item repeat="1-"> plus <ruleref uri="#digit"/> <tag> $.total = $.total + $digit; </tag> </item> </rule> ECMAScript structure: calculator: { total: 6 } What is 1+ 2+ 3? (c) 2007 Larson Technical Services
Exercise 6 Fill in the contents of <tag> From savings to checking Grammar rule: <rule id = “transfer"> from <one-of> <item> savings <tag>________________________ </tag> </item> <item> checking <tag>________________________</tag> </item> </one-of> to <one-of> <item> savings <tag>________________________</tag> </item> <item> checking <tag>________________________</tag> </item> </one-of> </rule> ECMAScript structure: transfer: { source_account: "savings" target_account: “checking" } (c) 2007 Larson Technical Services
Outline Motivation for VoiceXML W3C Speech Interface Framework Languages Dialog—VoiceXML 2.0 Speech Synthesis—SSML Grammars—SRGS Semantic Interpretation—SI VoiceXML 2.1 (c) 2007 Larson Technical Services
VoiceXML 2.1 VoiceXML’s success and popularity resulted in many implementations early in the standardization process Additional, innovative features were conceived after VoiceXML 2.0 content was agreed Goals of VoiceXML 2.1: Ensure portability by specifying a set of commonly implemented extensions Backwards-compatible with VoiceXML 2.0 Follow a “fast track” to standardization (c) 2007 Larson Technical Services
VoiceXML 2.1 Standardized extensions: Locate barge-in occurrences within prompts Access recognition utterances for analysis Increase performance be reducing server round-trips Extended call transfer types (c) 2007 Larson Technical Services
Summary W3C Speech Interface Framework Can work together or separately Dialog—VoiceXML Grammar—SRGS Synthesis—SSML Semantic Interpretation—SI Call Control—CCXML Can work together or separately See http://www.w3.org/voice/ for details (c) 2007 Larson Technical Services
Industry Organizations World Wide Web Consortium http://www.w3.org W3C Voice Browser Working Group http://www.w3.org/voice/ W3C Multi-Modal Working Group http://www.w3.org/2002/mmi/ VoiceXML Forum http://www.voicexml.org SALT Forum: http://www.saltforum.org Speech Technology Magazine http://www.amcommexpos.com/ (c) 2007 Larson Technical Services
Books James A. Larson, VoiceXML—An Introduction to Developing Speech Applications, 2002, Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall. Eve Astrid Andersson, et.al., Early Adopter Voice, 2001, Birmingham UK: Vrox. Bruce Balentine & David P. Morgan, How to Build a Speech Recognition Application: A Style Guide for Telephony Dialogues, 1999, San Ramon, CA: Enterprise Integration Group. Rick Beasley et. al., Voice Application Development with Voice, 2002, Indianapolis: Sams. Bob Edgar, The Voice Handbook, 2001, New York: CMP. Susan Weinschenk & Dean T. Barker, Designing Effective Speech Interfaces, 2000, New York: John Wiley & Sons. Chetan Sharma & Jeff Kunins, Voice: Strategies and Techniques for Effective Voice Application Development with Voice 2.0, 2002, New York: John Wiley. Michael H. Cohen, James P. Giangola, & Jennifer Balogh, Voice User Interface Design, 2004, Addison Wesley. (c) 2007 Larson Technical Services
Other Resources The VoiceXML Guide http://www.vxmlguide.com/ (c) 2007 Larson Technical Services
Tutorials and Articles VoiceXML Forum http://www.voicexmlforum.org/ VoiceXML Review http://www.voicexmlreview.org/ World of VoiceXML http://www.kenrehor.com/voicexml/ (c) 2007 Larson Technical Services
Online Voice SDKs Name URL BeVocal Cafe http://cafe.bevocal.com Tellme Studio http://studio.tellme.com VoiceGenie Developer Workshop http://developer.voicegenie.com Voxpilot voxbuilder http://www.voxbuilder.com (c) 2007 Larson Technical Services
Questions? ? (c) 2007 Larson Technical Services
Thanks for your attention (c) 2007 Larson Technical Services
Answer to Exercise 2 <form> <prompt> When were you born? </prompt> <field name = "month"> <prompt> What month?</prompt> <grammar src=“http://www.ajax.com/month.grxml"/> </field> <field name = "day"> <prompt> What day of the month? </prompt> <grammar src=“http://www.ajax.com/day.grxml"/> <field name = "year"> <prompt> What year </prompt> <grammar src=“http://www.ajax.com/year.grxml"/> </form> (c) 2007 Larson Technical Services
Answer to Exercise 3 Write event handlers for the month field <catch event = "nomatch"> <prompt> Which month, for example, January February, or March? </prompt> </catch> <catch event = "help"> <prompt> In what month were you born? </prompt> </catch> <catch event = "noinput"> <prompt> Say the name of the month you were born in </prompt> </catch> (c) 2007 Larson Technical Services
Answer to Exercise 4 <prompt> Welcome to Ajax Bank <break/> <emphasis level = "reduced " > do you want to </emphasis> <emphasis level = "strong"> withdraw </emphasis> or <emphasis level = "strong">deposit </emphasis> funds? </prompt> (c) 2007 Larson Technical Services
Answer to Exercise 5 Write a grammar for zero to nineteen <grammar type = "application/srgs+xml" root = "zero_to_19" mode = "voice"> <rule id = "zero_to_19"> <one-of> <item> zero </item> <ruleref uri = "#single_digit"/> <item> ten </item> <item> eleven </item> <item> twelve </item> <item> thirteen </item> <item> fourteen </item> <item> fifteen </item> <item> sixteen </item> <item> seventeen </item> <item> eighteen </item> <item> nineteen </item> </one-of> </rule> <rule id = "single_digit"> <one-of> <item> one </item> <item> two </item> <item> three </item> <item> four </item> <item> five </item> <item> six </item> <item> seven </item> <item> eight </item> <item> nine </item> </one-of> </rule> </grammar> (c) 2007 Larson Technical Services
From savings to checking Answer to Exercise 6 From savings to checking Grammar rule: <rule id = “transfer"> from <one-of> <item> savings <tag> out.source_account = “savings"; </tag> </item> <item> checking <tag> out.source_account = “checking"; </tag> </item> </one-of> to <one-of> <item> savings <tag> out.target_account = “savings"; </tag> </item> <item> checking <tag> out.target_account = “checking"; </tag> </item> </one-of> </rule> ECMAScript structure: transfer: { source_account: "savings" target_account: “checking" } (c) 2007 Larson Technical Services