Sara McMillan, PhD, PE Agricultural & Biological Engineering Keywords: active learning, interdisciplinary, problem-based learning, sophomores Active learning to engage students across disciplinary boundaries and backgrounds Sara McMillan, PhD, PE Agricultural & Biological Engineering
Why? Problems & Challenges: Changing demographic of Agricultural & Biological Engineers (ABE): increasingly from international and urban backgrounds Increasing diversity but not integration Lack of common set of experiences Enter program with less “hands-on” experience Students know theory of statistics without skills to apply it Educational Objectives: Increase sense of community between environmental and machine systems majors in ABE through team-based mini-projects that cross these disciplinary boundaries Improve learning by focusing on problem solving and data analysis with statistics as a tool “Explain less, do more”: in-class active learning using data they collect
When? 2012-13: To improve learning and create space in curriculum, ABE chose to teach statistics within the department. Integrate key concepts throughout core ABE classes to find relevance. ABE 205: Computations in Engineering Systems (CES) became primary statistics home as well as other topics needed in curriculum. Statistics was more applied but needed greater depth and opportunity to test skills in new situations. Fall 2015: I taught CES for the first time with greater focus on gaining and applying statistical knowledge: Application through case studies, paired problem solving, guided programming in computer lab. First cohort of 10 Chinese Agricultural University 2+2 students in ABE Fall 2016: Increase active-learning; include team-based mini-projects & field trips
Where? Have you tried this in other institutions? First time teaching statistics so reached out across campus Active learning approaches in my other classes, but not at this level of integration and evaluation Is this developed for a single class, a full course, or a curriculum? Full course although currently only 1 section Field site for soil quality mini project
What? Learning materials & activities: Team-based mini-projects Example: Soil quality mini project at Purdue Ag. Center includes (1) experimental design, (2) data collection, (3) analysis and interpretation and (4) presentation of results via memo-style report. Active learning in the classroom Example: Gallery walk of graph interpretation and critique Individual practice & homework: Case study interpretation; choosing the right test; data analysis in JMP Theory of change: Learning statistics by analyzing data they collect will improve learning Creating shared experiences around agriculture will enhance sense of community among ABE students
Prognosis? How are you documenting impact? Select teams randomly with “rules” about integrated teams. Comparing learning in individual and team-based activities to measure success of cooperative learning Surveying students at beginning and end of the semester on interests Peer evaluation to assess team effectiveness Challenges currently facing? Resistance to writing Time-management in the classroom; preparing materials for each class. Advice from others at FOEE? Assessment: How do I compare individual versus team-based learning? Foster engagement versus resistance to cooperative learning?