Apostilles, Great Seals, and Other Ways to Authenticate Degrees Is That Document Real? Apostilles, Great Seals, and Other Ways to Authenticate Degrees Kim Helphenstine, Assistant Registrar Melody Kesler, Senior Assistant Registrar
Basic Question #1 How do I know if a diploma is counterfeit? How was the diploma delivered (mailed; hand delivered by third party or student)? Was the diploma mailed directly from the issuing school? If mailed, examine the postage. Was a postage meter machine used that bears the name of the school or was a postage stamp used? Was a copy of the diploma sent? Does the format and font style match previously reviewed diplomas issued from the school?
Basic Question #2 What do I do if I suspect a diploma is counterfeit? If you are suspicious that a diploma may be counterfeit, contact the issuing institution. Once it is determined that the diploma is fraudulent, keep it and any related documentation (emails, fax cover sheets, envelopes) separated from other documentation in the office. If necessary, make copies to work with and secure the originals. DO NOT return the document to the sender. Store the counterfeit documentation in a secure place.
Beware of Web Sites FOR SALE Fake Diplomas
Preventative Measures Develop a policy to only accept electronic versions of diplomas and transcripts. If that is not possible, only accept diplomas and transcripts sent directly from the issuing school. Call the issuing institution and verify academic history and credentials. Research web sites that offer counterfeit diplomas. If your school name is included on a site, send a letter to the registered owner and request the removal of your school’s name from their list.
Basic Question #3 How do you handle requests for an “Apostille” diploma? Is the country a member of the Hague Convention? If YES…then http://www.gsccca.org/projects/hague.asp Diploma must be notarized by the school official before it will be accepted for Apostille by the Georgia Superior Court Clerks’ Cooperative Authority. Diploma may be hand-delivered or mailed to GSCCCA by the school** or by the student. **(not recommended)
Basic Question #4 How do you handle requests for a “Great Seal” diploma? Is the country a member of the Hague Convention? If NO, then http://www.sos.georgia.gov/elections/commisions/ Diploma must be notarized by the school official and have a Notary Certification before it will be accepted for Great Seal by the Georgia Secretary of State. Diploma may be hand-delivered or mailed to GSOS by the school** or by the student. **(not recommended)
References Georgia Superior Court Clerks’ Cooperative Authority (2012). Apostilles. Retrieved from: http://www.gsccca.org/projects/apost.asp. Kemp, B. (2012). Great Seal Certification. Retrieved from: http://www.sos.georgia.gov/elections/commissions/. Ezell, A. (2008). Counterfeit Diplomas and Transcripts. Washington, DC: AACRAO
khelp@uga.edu mkesler@uga.edu www.reg.uga.edu Questions? khelp@uga.edu mkesler@uga.edu www.reg.uga.edu