Healthy Snacks These are the guide lines for snacks in my room. If you want to have a single serving snack during the day, you will learn to be a label reader: Portion Size- Please keep all snacks to a single portion. Example: One granola bar, a half cup of cereal in a baggy, an apple. Just one snack per day. Snacks are not necessary-This is a personal option and totally up to your family. If you forget a snack, you will not call home to have someone bring it in for you. You will not go to your locker to retrieve it. Cereal, trail mix, and granola bars should contain at least one gram of fiber and 10 or less grams of sugar per serving. Watch the trail mixes sold in bulk. The ones with marshmallows, chocolate chips, candy coatings, malt balls, and M&Ms will not be allowed. (You know the ones) Please do not send sunflower seeds. These are messy and will be prohibited. Fruit cups and yogurt are great for lunch, but are not good snacks for the classroom, because spills cause damage to materials. Items that are suggested are any fresh produce, cheese sticks, jerky, and whole grain cereals. Please do not bring in high sodium and high fat foods such as potato chips. Students may only bring snacks for themselves. Only water is permitted and it is recommended that your child have a water bottle that they bring back and forth to class daily. Please have it filled at home. Students may not bring flavored drinks unless there are medical reasons for this. If there are special considerations that need to be made, please talk to me about them in private. Snacks are to be eaten during independent work time. Students are to work as they much. We break these rules during earned read-ins and parties. We will talk about that at a later date --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Please cut on the dotted line and return the signature section indicating that you are aware of the morning snack guide lines. All snacks that do not fit within these guidelines will be held in the classroom and may be picked up by the parent. Parent Signature: _______________________________________________ Student Signature: _____________________________________________