Loose group of decentralized villages, from the coast, to the highlands, in the river valleys, and along the shores of swampy lakes P
Top chieftainships commanded villages scattered over larger areas; the larger the domain, the greater the ability to ship the produce of workshops and fields to the chief’s centers or priests’ capitals. http://www.latinamericanstudies.org/olmec-rulers.htm P
Subsistence farmers who cultivated most of the foodstuffs needed by their villages, such as maize, beans, squash, and cacao, while shipping lightweight products such as ceramics and precious goods (jade, obsidian, or quetzal feathers) to other villages E
Villages traded with each other as part of local trade
Religious statues and icons blended human and animal subjects (snakes, jaguars, and crocodiles) http://www.latinamericanstudies.org/olmec-jaguars.htm R/A
Precious goods (jade, obsidian, or quetzal feathers) used to create masks and ritual figurines for religious purposes http://www.latinamericanstudies.org/olmecs8.htm R/A
Worshipped the same gods and had devotional activities for the gods in all centers/cities
Shamans – humans who were believed to have special power to commune with the supernatural and the ability to transform themselves wholly or partly into beasts, such as the were-jaguar ( a being that was part man, part animal) http://www.latinamericanstudies.org/olmec-shaman.htm R
Major cities = athletic hubs with intricate ball courts for entertainment and devotion to the gods R/N
Practiced human sacrifice, perhaps even with children http://www.latinamericanstudies.org/organ-vessels.htm Practiced human sacrifice, perhaps even with children R
Priestly class, raised and trained in the palaces of the major cities, directed the exchanges of sacred rituals objects between farming communities. S
Large peasant or farmer population
Developed in total isolation of other early civilizations and could not benefit from cultural diffusion and technology I
Increasing evidence that the Olmec practiced warfare to supply rulers with humans whose death and torture meant to ensure that the soil would b e fertile and the rains would continue I
Lacked a writing system
Colossal heads, some of which are 9 feet high and weigh up to 20 tons http://blue.utb.edu/paullgj/geog3333/lectures/olmec.html A
Produced massive, pyramid-shaped religious monuments redescolar.ilce.edu.mx/redescolar/act_permanentes/historia/histdeltiempo/mexicana/prehispa/p_olm02.htm A
Specialized buildings that featured massive earthen mounds, platforms, palaces, and capacious plazas as examples of urban planning http:// A
Central America between the highland plateaus of Central Mexico and the Gulf Coast around modern-day Veracruz http://blue.utb.edu/paullgj/geog3333/lectures/olmec.html N
Primary cities (smaller in scale in comparison to other civilizations) were San Lorenzo, La Venta, and Tres Zapotes and banded groups of Olmecs together N