ITS Cooling: Xmas Plan Claudio Bortolin
Kits material Kits by Caster are more reliable. These kits are supplied by Greenpumps (Italy) via D. Steimer (Vernier-Suisse) Caster 3M A 3M technical expert told me that the kits they send to CERN are made of graphite impregnated with phenolic resin. An outgassing test will be carried out at CERN (Polymer lab) on 10th December
Christmas break: SPD SPD 17-21 December 2012 (Impact n.22033 – Draft version) Pressure test on the old inlet lines and their recovering 2. Clean the filters in PP3 of the sectors not drilled yet (drilling still not decided) L3 watchers: Valerio, Costanza P Test: Daniele, Marco and Andrea B. Filters cleaning PP3: Andrea F. and Claudio Yannick and Samuel will be involved only if we will drill sector 3.
ITS Plans SPD 17-21 December 2012 New pumps installation: is it the most convenient solution? PLAN TO BE DEFINED. (remove the old pumps, Install frequency inverters, fuses, cables and new pumps.) SDD/SSD: no interventions. The plant will be running for the whole period ITS after 22 December 2012: Leave the systems running during during weeks 52 , 1 and 2 in order to test its stability Cooling or experts on-call required during the whole Christmas period (weeks 52, 1): SDD: Stefania (conf.) and Gianmichele (conf.) SSD: Grazia (conf.) and Massimo (conf.) SPD: Claudio (conf.) and Rosario (?) EN-CV: cooling piquet
LS1 plans: SPD SPD 1. remove the new inlet pipes 2. PP4 remove the sub-cooling (tbc) 3. cooling rack mechanical consolidation 4. counter-flow cleaning (between PP4 and PP1) 5. install chilled water filter (tbc) 6. check safety valves 7. recalibrate T and p sensors (PP4 and PP1) 8. drill and clean the filters in the remain sectors 9. The upgrade of the plant is under discussion
LS1 plans: SDD and SSD SDD (cooling always ON) 1. install chilled water filter 2. replace 10 pressure and Temp sensors 3. replace 5 pressure regulators 4. counter-flow cleaning (1 month) 5. CILK project upgrade (migration to PVSS 3.9 during the 2nd half of 2013) SSD (cooling always ON) 1. install chilled water filter 2. counter-flow cleaning (1 month) 3. check safety valves 4. corrosion test on 1 pipe 5. remove Teflon 6. service for 2 supply regulators (2 spares are available EN-CV) 7. CILK project upgrade (migration to PVSS 3.9 during the 2nd half of 2013) The Plant will be switched off for few days for maintenance (summer 2013). The water in the system can circulate also during the general CV systems maintenance (i.e.: cooling towers). Humidity can be kept below 30% only when the chilled water is available, discussion with the TC to find a solution during the maintenance of the cooling towers: nitrogen flow could be the solution.