Mrs. Lara Alt English 10 Honors Mrs. Lara Alt
Background and Experience UVA – B.A. English VA Tech – M.A. Curriculum and Instruction Indiana University: Graduate certificate in Composition Studies 13th year of teaching/7th at LCHS Adult Night School with LCPS – 5 years
English 10 Honors: a typical block Warm up: proofreading, grammar, vocabulary, or test prep (mini-lesson and/or practice) Literature or writing lesson (i.e. read and discuss Beowulf) Journals and writing exercises Teacher/student conferencing Group work or work in pairs to reinforce material Group presentations/Whole class discussion Writing and research in computer lab Record homework in agendas
Grading/Phoenix Formative – 0 % Homework assignments Class assignments/journals Rough drafts VISION forum posts – introducing a concept Summative – 100% Projects and presentations Journals and VISION posts – showing mastery Quizzes/Retakes possible Tests (Quizlet study guides) Final draft papers/Revisions possible
So far they have: Worked in pairs to map out the hero’s journey in a movie or book of their choice. Worked in groups to discuss and present ideas about traits a hero possesses(courage, loyalty, leadership, reputation, or generosity) Started writing diagnostics Selected an independent reading book. There will be one book each quarter. Please be sure your student is reading at home (20 min. each night)
In the next couple of weeks, we will be: Finishing up diagnostics Identifying clauses and phrases and using commas and end punctuation where necessary. Working to understand the use of colons and semicolons Reading, discussing, and analyzing Beowulf Reading non-fiction articles that feature heroes in the world.
Future Assignments Persuasive writing: Students will work to understand and analyze essays and print media and learn ways to present an organized argument. Homework: comprehension questions, journals, and VISION posts, grammar and vocabulary practice, note taking as they read or watch video presentations Beowulf, Sir Gawain and the Green Knight, The Canterbury Tales, Macbeth, Frankenstein Big Question Research – third quarter Multimedia projects: students will collaborate to organize and present literary analysis and research
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