Frogs live in a lot of places almost every place you can think of. Frog Habitats Frogs live in a lot of places almost every place you can think of.
Some Facts about the Habitats Frogs live by ponds, lakes, and any other water source but they seem to like the lily pads a lot. Frogs live near water because half of their life in the water and it provides food such as insects. They live near the water because the moist air keeps their skin keeps their skin from drying.
Some pictures of random frogs!!
What Does Amphibian Mean Amphibian means two life. Frogs are called amphibians because they live half of their life in water as tadpools.
What Continents Do Frogs Live In Frogs live in every continent except Antarctica. They Don’t live in the Antarctica because they can’t live in the cold air.
Pictures of the places frogs live on earth!!!!
The end Thanks for watching!!!!!!! It’s Carrying A Tadpole.
Sources!! I got all my pictures by searching google images and I got all my information from!!!!!!