Newt Ganugapati and Teresa Montaruli


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Presentation transcript:

Newt Ganugapati and Teresa Montaruli Down going Muon Analysis/ Atmospheric Air Shower Simulation Involving Charm Production and some results from PYTHIA/FRITIOF Newt Ganugapati and Teresa Montaruli

Methodology Cosmic Ray muons are simulated using Corsika 6.03 and QGSJET01 hadronic interaction model and detector response obtained using trigger conditions and events are reconstructed. Physics measurement of the true muon Intensity from experimental data will have to account for triggering & reconstruction efficiencies. Assumed that the ratio of events for which the detector triggers (reconstructed events) to the true events generated remains the same in the data and the simulation to get the Physical measurement of the flux from experimental data by the method of diaogonal unfolding Finite angular resolution so what we reconstruct is not the true angle meaning that inter bin correlations in zenith angle are not negligible .

Methodology (Continued) Adjust the bin size in zenith angle in such a way as to minimize the interbin correlations in zenith angle (leakage from one to other). Larger bin sizes when angular resolution is bad! Basic quality cuts to improve reconstruction Track Length, Chi Square, Difference of Odd and Even hits from a time ordered hit sample.



Angular Resolution Before quality After quality Zenith Space Angle RecoSpace-TrueSpace(degrees) RecoSpace-TrueSpace(degrees) Before quality Note the skewed nature of these distributions! After quality

Zenith and Space Angle Resolution The point is marked at the mean while the error bar quantifies RMS value

Time Residuals and Convoluted Pandel Data BG MC Excess Earlyhits in MC Time delay(ns)(16 PPandel) Time delay(ns)(64 CPandel)

Air Shower Dmesons also produced (D0,D,Ds and other Kinds) that decay to Prompt muons During the production Of these D mesons are there any π ± / K± also that are produced (subsequently decay to muons) ?If so statistically what fraction of Momentum/energy do these π ± / K± take?

PYTHIA SIMULATION Make PP with PYTHIA then consider the momentum taken by the charm production with appropriate energy processes Subtract it to the Pbeam and use the Pbeam to make an event P-N with FRITIOF and this should account for the nucleons and production of accompanying π ±, K± a) Compare output of FLUKA with existing code b) Plots of D0,D,DS and , π ± , K± c) Compare average charm to average π ± , K± energy as a function of beam energy d) Some conclusion about the muons


Number Of Particle and Energy (Mean) The RMS value is shown as an error bar!

Particle Flux From PYTHIA/FRITIOF For Charm Particle Production E/Eproton

Lateral Distribution All particles allowed to decay and the lateral separation between the muons at AMANDA depth (for 65 degrees horizontal muons) is obtained from geometry

Energy Of Prompts at Surface