Greeting Calling the class helper Praying Registering Dividing class, boys with boys, girls with girls Reading the chant Seating the class on their group, orderly
Chants #3. Girls: We're fine, thanks. We're fine, thanks Hello, boys. Hello, boys, How are you? #2. Boys: We're fine, thanks We hope you’re, too. Hello, girls #3. Girls: We're fine, thanks. We're fine, thanks We hope you’re, too.
Chants #3. Boys: We're fine, thanks. We're fine, thanks Hello, girls. Hello, girls, How are you? #2. Girls: We're fine, thanks We hope you’re, too. Hello, boys #3. Boys: We're fine, thanks. We're fine, thanks We hope you’re, too.
Classroom management not the same as classroom discipline the practices and procedures that allow teachers to teach and students to learn (Wong, 2001) start with procedures and routines followed with rules and disciplines Minggu 1 - 16 Agustus 2011
Effective classroom management cooperative enterprise linked to classroom and school processes & the development of good relationships considered from 4 aspects: management in the classroom mediation with individuals modification of behavior monitoring school discipline
Management in the classroom organizing & presenting lessons in such a way that all pupils are actively engaged in learning requires abilities to: analyze the different elements & phases of a lesson select & deliver appropriate materials reduce sources of friction 4 simple rules
Evertson dan Emmer (1984) present 4 (four) keys in an effective classroom management: Classroom areas which are highly accessed by the teacher and pupils are free from any obstacles 2. All pupils are easily monitored by the teacher
3. Learning material and equipment which are frequently used by pupils are easily accessed by the pupils themselves 4. Make sure that all pupils easily see the teacher’s and class presentation
Mediation with individuals how to provide more intensive individual counseling & guidance how to enhance self-concepts how to avoid damaging confrontation
Modification of behavior applying learning theory to shape & change behavior in ways which are practical & realistic within the routine of the normal classroom through suitable rewards & punishment
Monitoring school discipline how schools evaluate the effectiveness of policies on discipline how senior teachers can help colleagues cope with stress & other problems in classroom management
Group work for microteaching Plan & prepare a seating arrangement Plan & prepare class rules (posters) Plan & prepare reward system (tokens, direct rewards) Plan & prepare punishment system (posters) (appendices of the lesson plan)