DEFINING STYLE Style is a way of presenting something. Think of: - Clothing - Music - Cars - Hair Now add APA & MLA to the list! These two styles are used to present & share information in writing.
APA MLA WHAT’S THE DIFFERENCE? APA is the publication of the American Psychological Association. This association is the largest scientific and professional organization representing psychology in the United States, with more than 122,500 researchers, educators, clinicians, consultants and students as its members. MLA is the publication of the Modern Language Association. This association is a leading advocate for the study and teaching of languages and literatures and serves as a clearinghouse for professional resources for teachers and scholars.
APA & MLA: Serve Specific Disciplines Nursing Business Social Work Sociology Psychology Education Political Science English History Art Drama Religious Studies Philosophy Music **However, both styles share the same 4 rules with SLIGHT DIFFERENCES.**
#1: Document Formatting APA & MLA differ slightly under this rule. Formatting is how you prepare and arrange a document. It is how your readers will view and navigate the document that you create and share. APA MLA
#2: In-Text Citations APA MLA APA & MLA differ slightly under this rule. In-text citations are like road signs. They are little bits of info that lead to a complete address. In this case it’s your reference (APA) or works cited page (MLA)! APA MLA
#3: References APA MLA APA & MLA differ slightly under this rule. Your reference page (APA) or works cited page (MLA) are what your in-text citations lead to. It is where a reader will find complete info on where to find the sources you have used. APA MLA
#4: Structure & Content EXAMPLES: The structure and content of your paper and the style you choose to follow are simply the rules of what you should or should not do in your paper as you actively write and then publish your finished product. EXAMPLES: Including the use of abstracts, appendices, notes, etc. Using correct grammar and spelling Avoiding biased language Avoiding plagiarism Making sure you credit your sources!
Helpful Resources & Guides Western Beaver’s Library Services webpage: http://www.westernbeaver.org/domain/207 Purdue OWL: https://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/ EasyBib: http://www.easybib.com/ A Research Guide: http://www.aresearchguide.com/ YOUR TEACHERS!!