My Classroom ID #________ English Identity Utopia/Social Issues 12 Mrs. Ellixson 2016-2017 How to contact me CLASS MATERIALS 610-473-3549 Google Class Code:____________ Required: Recommended: ☐ 1 college –ruled notebook ☐ One portable mouse ☐ Pens/Pencils ☐ One pair of earbuds or ☐ Highlighter headphones ☐ Folder ☐ Multiple Post-It notes My Classroom ID #________ Room 713 Class Procedures Grades Be respectful. Come to class prepared and on time. Keep cell phones in your backpack. Do your best work. Use appropriate language. RESPECT, RESPONSIBILITY & SAFETY Begin DO NOW work upon entering classroom. Place collected assignments in your class “In-Bin.” Stay in seat until bell rings. Sign out of class when leaving. Cell phones will be collected for assessments. Know your class ID #. Expectations Categories: Participation/ Discussion Classwork Google Class Notebook/Notes Essays Quizzes/Tests Each assignment has a set point value. Practice, Formative and Summative assessments are assigned. Consequences Norms 1. Warning: the teacher provides a verbal reminder. 2. Detention 3. Detention/Parent Contact 4. Referral to Administration: a student will be immediately referred to administration for severe behavior problems.
Teacher Name Grade My Notes: Late / Incomplete Work Absentee Policy Subject Grade Teacher Name 2016-2017 Late / Incomplete Work Absentee Policy 2016-2017 My expectation is that ALL assignments be completed to a level of proficiency and turned in on time. For each day late, 10% will be deducted from your grade up to 30%. Printer and Internet issues are not an excuse for late work. * YES, WE DID SOMETHING IMPORTANT WHILE YOU WERE ABSENT. It is the student’s responsibility to check the “While You Were Out” bin, School Wires and / or Google Classroom to find any assignments missed. * A student has two extra days to turn in any work assigned on a day a student was absent. Technology Laptops will be used frequently. The majority of class assignments, projects, and assessments will be completed digitally through the Google Classroom. Students are expected to abide by all school and district digital safety rules and guidelines. Failure to do so will result in said student being banned from technology in this class Google Classroom code: _________________________ Plagiarism Cheating Plagiarism is the taking ideas and writings of another and passing them off as one’s own. In this class, plagiarism includes... 1. turning in another’s work as one’s own 2. copying work from a friend before class (or while in another class) 3. including a source but failing to cite it 4. copying an author’s exact words and passing them off as one’s own Students caught plagiarizing will be given a ZERO for the assignment. * The teacher will notify the administration and contact parents if cheating / plagiarism is suspected. * The student will be given a zero for that particular test or assignment. My Notes: