English II See Twitter: @Kile_English2 Mrs. Kile Room B137 skile@duncanvilleisd.org Tutoring Wed/Thurs 3:10-3:45 *by appointment* Conference 6th Block *No Food – Water Bottles O.K. *ID badge must be visible *Follow School Dress Code *Be prepared to work every single class *Own your data Work is due at the beginning of the period. Late work is due at the beginning of the block the next time you come to class. It is not accepted throughout the day or throughout the period. *5 subject notebook *Box of Kleenex *Post it notes Should not be expected but may be offered sporadically to the entire class. Ample notification will be given to you and your parent. **You are responsible to collect any make-up work and complete it. **If you know you will be out in advance, let’s talk! (especially important. for school activity absences) *Expo markers *Paper towels *Pencils *Index Cards *Copy Paper There is a charging station located in the back right corner of the room. You may charge your phone here or it should be put away in a pocket or backpack. Although we will frequently use technology in class, the expectation is that it shouldn’t be visible without permission. ***NO WARNINGS*** We will follow DISD “Bring Your Own Device” rules. See Mrs. Kile for code Twitter: @Kile_English2