Foundations of Mexican Society
Pre Columbian Mexico Prior to the arrival of Hernan Cortez in 1519 the Maya and Aztec had created sophisticated societies in the area that is now Mexico There is evidence of sophisticated calendars (some more accurate than European), mathematics, art, and architecture dating back several thousand years When Cortex arrived he came at a time of decline for the Aztecs Tribes who had been forced to submit to Aztec rule banded together with Cortez to attack the capital city of Tenochtitlan and eventually killing the king Montezuma II
Spanish Mexico Under Spain, Mexico became a valuable colony Mexico introduced the world to agricultural goods such as maize (corn), potatoes, tomatoes, peppers, avocados, tobacco, beans, and cacao (chocolate) The Europeans grew these crops, along with European crops such as olives and wine, and sent them back to Europe Unfortunately for the people of Mexico none of these profits were being shared with the natives A multi class society was quickly created in Mexico
Kicking out the Spanish The Spanish governments poor treatment of the Mexican people caused many to speak of revolution The first attempt was led by a local priest, father Miguel Hidalgo. His attempt failed, but he brought sympathy to the cause. A new uprising began in 1815 led by two men: Guadalupe Victoria (Puebla) and Vicente Guerrero (Oaxaca) In 1820 Spain sent it’s best military leader Colonel Agustín de Iturbide to end the revolutions Iturbide ended up switching sides and took control of Mexico. He named himself the emperor of Mexico
Turmoil in Mexico Two years after Iturbide takes control he is removed from power by General Antonio Santa Anna Santa Anna creates a “republic” but is the only president for 20+ years 1846-48 US Mexico fight a war over Texas In 1863 France invades Mexico and takes control of the country until 1867 Profirio Diaz becomes President and rules as a dictator from 1877-1911