37th Plenary meeting of SEEHN, Sarajevo, 28 June 2016 SEE 2020 Implementation 37th Plenary meeting of SEEHN, Sarajevo, 28 June 2016
SEE 2020 Strategy SEE 2020 materialized as a response to Europe 2020, as the region was left out of the main European growth framework. At the Ministerial meeting on November 9, 2012: Ministers of Economy adopted 11 regional and 77 national headline targets to be reached by 2020 RCC was tasked to coordinate the SEE2020 implementation
South East Europe 2020 SEE 2020 Vision Integrated growth Smart growth deeper regional trade and investment linkages and policies enhancing the flow of goods, investment, services and persons Smart growth commitment to compete on value added, promoting knowledge and innovation across the board Inclusive growth skills development, employment creation and labour market participation by all (minorities &vulnerable groups), health and well being SEE 2020 Vision Sustainable growth enhancing competitiveness, entrepre-neurship and a commitment to greener and more energy-efficient development Governance for growth improving the capacity of public administrations to strengthen the rule of law and reduce corruption so as to create a business-friendly environment The SEE 2020 Vision outlined here is firmly anchored into the Europe 2020 strategy and similarly to EU 2020, the smart, sustainable and inclusive growth pillars deal with adding value, effective and sustainable use of resources and sharing the benefits of growth respectively. However, the objectives and targets of these pillars are being adjusted to region’s needs. The smart, sustainable and inclusive growth dimensions were enriched with two other, region-specific dimensions: integrated growth (aiming for greater integration of regional markets) and governance for growth (providing a framework for building administrative and institutional capacities and fighting corruption).
Inclusive Growth Pillar SEE2020 SEE 2020 Strategy Pillar Inclusive Growth Pillar Dimen Health Dimension Measures Strengthen and promote universal health care Improve intersectoral governance in health sector Harmonise cross border health legislation Strengthen human resources for health through bilateral and multilateral agreements
SEE2020 Governing Structure Coordination process SEE2020 Governing Board Donor coordination SEE2020 Monitoring Committee SEE2020 Programming Committee
SEE2020 Programming process composition: SEE2020 coordinators and National IPA coordinators start of programming cycle: June 2015; preparation phase: June 2015 – March 2016; two meetings of the programming committee took place; result: SEE 2020 Programming document 2016 – 2018 adopted.
SEE2020 Monitoring process Established structure – Monitoring Committee comprised of statistical offices and SEE2020 coordinators Decreased number of indicators (from more than 300 to less than 160 quantitative indicators collected); Improved coordination with national and regional coordinators - facilitated process through SEE2020 coordinators. Data on perception based indicators collected through Balkan Barometer (public and business sentiment) Next few slides feature tables on data collection per economy on health expenditure and slide on public perception from Balkan Barometer related to health
Data collection 2015 - Albania Dimension: Health No Indicator Description of indicator 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 Source Comments 53 Health insurance coverage (% of population) Coverage for health care is defined as the share of the population receiving a core set of health care goods and services under public programmes and through private health insurance Source: Statistical office, Ministry of health 54 Health insurance coverage under public programmes (% of population) Coverage for health care is defined as the share of the population receiving a core set of health care goods and services under public programmes of health insurance. Min.of Health 55 Public sector health expenditures as % of GDP It covers the provision of health services (preventive and curative), family planning activities, nutrition activities, and emergency aid designated for health but does not include provision of water and sanitation 3.41 3.23 3.30 3.27 INSTAT / Min.Fin. Public expenditure on Health (by COFOG) as % of GDP. 56 Expenditure on prevention as share of total health expenditure It covers the provision of health services on prevention activities only, NOT curative.
Data collection 2015 - BiH Dimension: Health No Indicator Description of indicator 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 Source Comments 53 Health insurance coverage (% of population) Coverage for health care is defined as the share of the population receiving a core set of health care goods and services under public programmes and through private health insurance Source: Statistical office, Ministry of health BiH does not have these data 54 Health insurance coverage under public programmes (% of population) Coverage for health care is defined as the share of the population receiving a core set of health care goods and services under public programmes of health insurance. 55 Public sector health expenditures as % of GDP It covers the provision of health services (preventive and curative), family planning activities, nutrition activities, and emergency aid designated for health but does not include provision of water and sanitation 6,35 6,55 6,69 6,65 n/a BHAS, NHA for BiH 56 Expenditure on prevention as share of total health expenditure It covers the provision of health services on prevention activities only, NOT curative. 0,14 0,13 0,16
Data collection 2015 - Montenegro Dimension: Health No Indicator Description of indicator 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 Source Comments 53 Health insurance coverage (% of population) Coverage for health care is defined as the share of the population receiving a core set of health care goods and services under public programmes and through private health insurance Source: Statistical office, Ministry of health 54 Health insurance coverage under public programmes (% of population) Coverage for health care is defined as the share of the population receiving a core set of health care goods and services under public programmes of health insurance. 55 Public sector health expenditures as % of GDP It covers the provision of health services (preventive and curative), family planning activities, nutrition activities, and emergency aid designated for health but does not include provision of water and sanitation 56 Expenditure on prevention as share of total health expenditure It covers the provision of health services on prevention activities only, NOT curative.
Data Collection 2015 – The Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia Dimension: Health No Indicator Description of indicator 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 Source Comments 53 Health insurance coverage (% of population) Coverage for health care is defined as the share of the population receiving a core set of health care goods and services under public programmes and through private health insurance Source:Statistical office, Ministry of health 92.7 89.2 84.7 86.5 86.6 54 Health insurance coverage under public programmes (% of population) Coverage for health care is defined as the share of the population receiving a core set of health care goods and services under public programmes of health insurance. HIFM annual reports and Statisti cal office 55 Public sector health expenditures as % of GDP It covers the provision of health services (preventive and curative), family planning activities, nutrition activities, and emergency aid designated for health but does not include provision of water and sanitation 4,3% 4,4% 4.2% 4.1% WHO health data 56 Expenditure on prevention as share of total health expenditure It covers the provision of health services on prevention activities only, NOT curative. HIFM annual reports
Data Collection 2015 - Serbia Dimension: Health No Indicator Description of indicator 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 Source Comments 53 Health insurance coverage (% of population) Coverage for health care is defined as the share of the population receiving a core set of health care goods and services under public programmes and through private health insurance Source: Statistical office, Ministry of health N/A Precise data on percentage of the population that has only private health insurance can’t be obtained 54 Health insurance coverage under public programmes (% of population) Coverage for health care is defined as the share of the population receiving a core set of health care goods and services under public programmes of health insurance. 93.9 94.7 95.8 96.7 97.3 97.4 Republi c Fond for Health Insuran ce Percentage of population that have valid health insurance documents 55 Public sector health expenditures as % of GDP It covers the provision of health services (preventive and curative), family planning activities, nutrition activities, and emergency aid designated for health but does not include provision of water and sanitation 10.7 10.3 10.6 WB 56 Expenditure on prevention as share of total health expenditure It covers the provision of health services on prevention activities only, NOT curative. 14.75 8.72 19.5 15.9 8.6 8.1 State Budget
Balkan Barometer 2015– corruption sentiment in SEE
SEE 2020 through the “flagship” approach The Programming of the SEE 2020 implementation through flagships anchored in the following : priorities and measures defined in the SEE 2020 Strategy. political commitments, socio-economic developments in the economies concerned (and the EU), maturity of regional cooperation in different policy areas and most importantly the funding realities. “Having to do more with less”
SEE 2020 through the “flagship” approach Skills & Mobility Connectivity Competitiveness integrated growth smart growth sustainable growth inclusive growth governance for growth Policy mix: Employment Education Social Mobility and migration Trade (liberalization) Policy mix: Transport Energy Electronic communication policy Trade (facilitation) Policy mix: Industrial policy Trade policy Investment policy SME and enterprise development Innovation
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