Maureen Murphy of Hammond Expander Group in Hammond, IN Highly Refined and Alloyed SUPERSOFT-ULTRA® Recycled Lead for Critical Applications Matt Raiford, Ph. D., Tim Ellis, Ph. D., David Prengeman, Ph. D. of RSR Technologies in Dallas, TX Maureen Murphy of Hammond Expander Group in Hammond, IN
Highly Refined and Alloyed SUPERSOFT-ULTRA® Recycled Lead for Critical Applications Matthew Raiford| September 15, 2016
Charge Acceptance in Lead Acid Batteries (LAB)s PbSO4 → Pb2+(aq) + SO42-(aq) Ksp = 1.32 × 10-8 Three major issues occurring related to charge acceptance. Gassing of O2 and H2. Poor intraplate conductivity. Dissolution of PbSO4 Increasing battery plate conductivity in LABs would allow more rapid movement of energy. Formation of sulfate is the fast step DCA PROBLEM Highly Refined and Alloyed SUPERSOFT-ULTRA® Recycled Lead for Critical Applications Matthew Raiford| September 15, 2016
SUPERSOFT-ULTRA® Secondary Lead Work by Lan T. Lam and others in Journal of Power Sources 195, demonstrated that certain impurities in lead (Pb) had more influence on gassing than others. 85% of batteries are made from recycled (secondary) lead in the West. RSR Technologies removed several of the gassing elements in a high purity secondary lead to low levels which is called SUPERSOFT-ULTRA®. Sb, As, Cd, Cr, Co, were reduced to <0.1ppm. Mn, Te, and Se were reduced to <0.2ppm Ni and Sn were reduced to <1ppm Cu, Zn, and Fe were reduced to 2ppm or less. Lam, L. T. J. Power Sources 2010, 195, 4494. NEW APPLICATION FOR SECONDARY LEAD; MINIMIZE FAILURE FROM H2O LOSS Highly Refined and Alloyed SUPERSOFT-ULTRA® Recycled Lead for Critical Applications Matthew Raiford| September 15, 2016
Gassing and Charge Retention for Float Application Gassing Rate (Float at 25◦C and 2.27 Volts) Charge Retention (Self Discharge During Storage at 25◦C) Days %Life POWER BACKUP DUTY-International Highly Refined and Alloyed SUPERSOFT-ULTRA® Recycled Lead for Critical Applications Matthew Raiford| September 15, 2016
Accelerated Float Life at 65◦C HIGH AMBIENT TEMP → AUTOMOTIVE/GRID STORAGE Highly Refined and Alloyed SUPERSOFT-ULTRA® Recycled Lead for Critical Applications Matthew Raiford| September 15, 2016
Designing Active Materials “Hybrid (48V) and Heavy Cycling” “Stop/Start (12V)” “Telecommunications” “Industrial” “UPS” “SLI Replacement” Highly Refined and Alloyed SUPERSOFT-ULTRA® Recycled Lead for Critical Applications Matthew Raiford| September 15, 2016
Microstructural Control through Electrolyte Addition EFFECTS ON NEGATIVE ACTIVE MATERIAL Micro/nanostructure of the sulfate greatly influences: Dissolution rate Cold Crank Amps and other important performance standards DCA Active material utilization CRYSTAL STRUCTURE DRIVES PROPERTIES Highly Refined and Alloyed SUPERSOFT-ULTRA® Recycled Lead for Critical Applications Matthew Raiford| September 15, 2016
DCA Improvement by Microstructural Control Microstructure control could improve intraplate conductivity. Three major pathways: Grain size control to inhibit Ostwald ripening. Crystal structure and texture considerations. Kinetics of the reaction must be improved by additive chemistry. CRYSTAL STRUCTURE DRIVES PROPERTIES Highly Refined and Alloyed SUPERSOFT-ULTRA® Recycled Lead for Critical Applications Matthew Raiford| September 15, 2016
Intraplate Conductivity Enhancement SUPERSOFT-ULTRA® Microalloying utilizes a Intraplate conductivity effect to create preferential growth of highly conductive PbO2 crystal conglomerates. The resulting increase in conductivity is supplemented by further elemental additions into the lead, creating a more conductive intraplate network. Enhancements in conductivity must be weighed against changes in water loss. High Antimony Alloy CRYSTAL STRUCTURE DRIVES CONDUCTIVITY Highly Refined and Alloyed SUPERSOFT-ULTRA® Recycled Lead for Critical Applications Matthew Raiford| September 15, 2016 10
Microstructural Differences in Crystal Growth Control SUPERSOFT-HYCYCLETM Control and SUPERSOFT-HYCYCLETM show similar crystallite structure. Aspect ratio of control is 1:2.5 Aspect Ratio of SUPERSOFT-HYCYCLETM is 1:4.1 Similarities in cured paste, used paste shows a difference in formed paste. MINOR ELEMENTS CHANGE STRUCTURE Highly Refined and Alloyed SUPERSOFT-ULTRA® Recycled Lead for Critical Applications Matthew Raiford| September 15, 2016
New Soft Pb Alloy: SUPERSOFT-HYCYCLE™ C and C20 testing of SUPERSOFT-ULTRA® showed similar performance to typical primary leady oxide. C and C20 increased five percent in the SUPERSOFT- HYCYCLETM(PATENT PENDING(PP)). MAXIMIZE THE EFFECT OF BENEFICIAL ELEMENTS Highly Refined and Alloyed SUPERSOFT-ULTRA® Recycled Lead for Critical Applications Matthew Raiford| September 15, 2016
Joint Program with Hammond Group: Initial MicroHybrid Cycle Testing with Secondary Lead MICROCOMPOSITION CONTROL HELPS Highly Refined and Alloyed SUPERSOFT-ULTRA® Recycled Lead for Critical Applications Matthew Raiford| September 15, 2016
Cycling Comparison from Collaborators ENHANCE PERFORMANCE FROM SUPERSOFT-HYCYCLETM Highly Refined and Alloyed SUPERSOFT-ULTRA® Recycled Lead for Critical Applications Matthew Raiford| September 15, 2016
Improvements to Grid Alloys Existing improvements on grid corrosion have created a good platform for better active material. The use of carbon-enriched NAM plates has resulted in new limiting factors in HRPSoC performance. Cathodic corrosion PAM shedding and molting Especially at high temperatures Thinner grids with same properties New grids for higher temperature performance and cathodic corrosion. GRAIN STRUCTURE ENGINEERING Highly Refined and Alloyed SUPERSOFT-ULTRA® Recycled Lead for Critical Applications Matthew Raiford| September 15, 2016
Materials Improvement by Design RSR 009+ alloy has higher strength and hardness than RSR PbCaSn after prolonged exposure to 70 °C. Highly Refined and Alloyed SUPERSOFT-ULTRA® Recycled Lead for Critical Applications Matthew Raiford| Da September 15, 2016
NorthStar Alloy-Increasing Float Life High Silver Alloy +25 ppm Silver Alloy Low Silver Alloy Calcium Alloy TRACE ELEMENT CONTROL IS KEY Highly Refined and Alloyed SUPERSOFT-ULTRA® Recycled Lead for Critical Applications Matthew Raiford| September 15, 2016
100% DOD Float Cycling Battery Testing with Silver Alloy High Silver Calcium MICROSTRUCTURAL ENGINEERING GREATLY INHIBTS CORROSION Calcium Alloy Silver Alloy Highly Refined and Alloyed SUPERSOFT-ULTRA® Recycled Lead for Critical Applications Matthew Raiford| September 15, 2016
Benefits of Secondary Lead Recycled SUPERSOFT-ULTRA® lead can perform as well as even the highest purity primary lead when used in critical applications. 85% of batteries in the West are from recycled lead. The gas causing elements such as Te, Se, Ni, Sb, As, Co, Mn, Cr, Fe, and Cu must be removed to levels about 10 times lower than normal secondary lead specifications. Silver and Bismuth do not have to be removed and present virtually no problem in the use of this lead for VRLA and low gassing batteries. Lead for active material can be further improved for higher cycle life and energy density, and intensive study of the morphology and electrochemical behavior has lead to SUPERSOFT-HYCYCLETM (PATENT PENDING). Have installed a battery tester (320 channels) to further support secondary soft lead development. COMPOSITION OPENS IMPROVEMENTS FOR ACTIVE MATERIALS Highly Refined and Alloyed SUPERSOFT-ULTRA® Recycled Lead for Critical Applications Matthew Raiford| September 15, 2016
Still More Improvements Possible! Highly Refined and Alloyed SUPERSOFT-ULTRA® Recycled Lead for Critical Applications Matthew Raiford| September 15, 2016
Thank you for your kind attention. Matthew Raiford RSR Technologies 4828 Calvert St. Dallas, TX 75081 (469) 317-5021