Introduction to Internet Business Chapter 1 Introduction to Internet Business
Agenda Overview Reasons Concerns Types Discussion
Agenda Overview Reasons Concerns Types Discussion
Overview Definition Communication gateways Strategies Advantages
Definition IBM in 1997 A secure, flexible and integrated approach to delivering differentiated business value by combining the systems and processes that run core business operations with the simplicity and reach made possible by Internet technology.
Communication Gateways Concepts TCP/IP World Wide Web and hyper-text transfer protocol (HTTP) Web services: content, products and services Time & space & size Generations First: web browser (do-it-yourself) Second: pervasive computing (do-it-for-me)
Communication Gateways Types E-mail Intranet Extranet Business-to-business Business-to-consumer Auction house
Strategies Business goals Types of service Re-engineering Communication Business-to-business Business-to-customer (existing, new) Types of service Information Product Service Re-engineering Information technology (in house, outsourcing, or combination)
Advantages Global accessibility and sales reach Closer relationships Free samples Reduced costs Media breaks Time to Market Customer loyalty
Agenda Overview Reasons Concerns Types Discussion
Reasons Expand market reach Visibility Responsiveness New services Strengthening business relationships Cost reduction Can you think about other reasons?
Agenda Overview Reasons Concerns Types Discussion
Concerns Channel conflict Competition Copyright Customer acceptance Legal issues Loyalty Pricing Security Service Viability Can you think about other concerns?
Agenda Overview Reasons Concerns Types Discussion
Types - 1 E-auctioning E-banking E-commerce E-directories E-engineering E-franchising E-gambling
Types - 2 E-learning E-marketing E-mailing E-operational resources management E-supply E-trading
Agenda Overview Reasons Concerns Types Discussion
Discussion Why do we need business re-engineering to implement an e-business? Can any business organization afford not to be part of this new e-business economy? Name the reason(s) your business organization use e-business. Name the impact of e-business on your business organization.
Points to Remember Overview Reasons Concerns Types Discussion