Co-Rec Basketball Captain’s Meeting
Registration When teams register, they will automatically be placed on the waitlist, regardless of if a division was selected when registering Teams are able to move off the waitlist once they have met the minimum number of players. The captain must then go to their team page and select an open division Once registration has closed, the captain will have to contact the IM Coordinator in order to be moved into a division
Hobo Dough Deposit A $25 team deposit through Hobo Dough is required for each team. This can be paid at the front desk of the Wellness Center. The Hobo Dough deposit will increase to $30 beginning on the Friday after registration has closed $5 will not be refunded at the end of the season. If there is no deposit paid before a team is to play its second contest, the team will not be able to play until the deposit is paid through Hobo Dough Deposits will be refunded after the season has ended
Eligibility All teams must be created on Each player must also be registered on before being added to a team. Students and Wellness Center members are eligible to participate in Intramural Sports Wellness Center members must purchase an IM Sports Pass at the Front Desk Players may not participate on more than 1 team Once they have played in one game, they are locked to that team for the remainder of the season, playoffs included
Eligibility A current varsity squad member is ineligible for intramural competition in that sport or related sport. Former collegiate athletes of a sport must be wait one full calendar year before participating in their sport. The calendar year begins on the last practice or game that athlete participated in. No more than half of the roster may be former Varsity athletes of a related sport. No more than half the players on the court may be former varsity athletes. Anyone who has competed professionally is not allowed to participate in the sport of which they were professional. Games in which an ineligible player is found to have participated will be forfeited
Drugs & Alcohol Policy No Individual who is under the influence of drugs and alcohol may participate in Intramural Sports. Any player believed to be under the influence of drugs and/or alcohol will be asked to leave. Any team found to be under the influence may receive a forfeit, and any games won while under the influence may be forfeited.
Sportsmanship Sportsmanship rating scale: 1-5 Sportsmanship is determined by officials and Intramural staff. Teams must have season average of 3.5 or greater to be eligible for playoffs. Sportsmanship ratings will serve as the first tie breaker for regular season standings and playoff seeding. Unsporting acts will result in a lower sportsmanship rating and possibly ejection.
Ejections Any player ejected for any reason must leave the playing area immediately. If the player is ejected due to unsportsmanlike conduct, they must contact the coordinator of IM sports before returning to play. Any ejection due to unsportsmanlike conduct will result in the team receiving a “2” sportsmanship rating, at best. More than three technical fouls on one team during a single game will result in a forfeit.
Forfeits & Defaults Teams should check IM Leagues each week to verify your team’s schedule A team unable to field the necessary amount of players at game time will forfeit the contest. The first forfeit will result in a $10 deduction from their Hobo Dough deposit. After two forfeits, the team will lose the remainder of Hobo Dough deposit and be removed from the league In order to receive a default, teams must contact either the Intramural Sports Coordinator or the IM Graduate Assistant by 3pm the day of the contest.
Captain’s Responsibilities The captain is responsible for the conduct of their team. Unsportsmanlike conduct will not be permitted. Make sure all roster additions have been made by Noon of game day Making sure team has paid the $25 Hobo Dough deposit Pay before registration closes to avoid a late fee
Participant Responsibilities All students must check in with supervisor using a Valid photo ID Student ID Driver’s license Passport International student ID Wellness Center community members may check in with their driver’s license and IM Sports Pass Check-in will be on the court at which you play
Teams & Players All players must be listed on the roster in order to participate Score sheets will be printed at Noon each day New players must be added to teams before Noon to appear on the roster Players may be added at any point throughout the season Players not on the printed roster may verify their eligibility via the online roster
Co-Rec Modifications Team shall consist of 5 players in the ratio of 3:2 3M/2F or 3F/2M Four players are required to start and continue a game Must be 2M/2F It will be up to each team to determine what ratio they play with A team does not have to keep the same ratio for the duration of the game There are no restrictions on offensive/defensive play
Equipment NOT ALLOWED Jewelry: This includes earrings, necklaces, wristbands, bracelets, etc. Players must provide their own tape Hats with hard bills Head bands or bandanas with an exposed knot Basketball jerseys will be provided Checked out at “The Cave” – Court 1 Teams may wear their own jerseys Shirts must be worn under the IM jerseys Basketballs will be provided The same ball will be used for the entire game If teams wish to use a women’s size ball, both teams must agree
IM Basketball General Rules Basic NFHS high school rules, with some modifications Two 20-minute, running clock halves 1st half - Running clock 2nd half - Stops on dead balls in last 2 minutes Teams get 3 timeouts per game No overtime during the regular season
IM Basketball General Rules Each player receives 5 fouls before being disqualified Bonus will be attempted on the 7th team foul of each half Double bonus will be attempted on the 10th team foul of each half The following acts are fouls when committed against a ball handler Two hands on the player Placing an arm bar on the player Placing and keeping a hand on the player Contacting the player more than once with the hands
Mercy Rule The game shall end if the difference in score becomes greater than the following: 50+ points at halftime or any time in the 2nd half 20+ points at 2 minutes or less in 2nd half
Overtime Overtime will be played in playoffs only Each team gets 1 timeout each OT Unused timeouts do not carry over from regulation or other OT Timing 1st OT: 3 minutes (Clock will stop at/under 2 minutes) 2nd OT: 2 minutes (Clock stops for every dead ball) 3rd OT+: 1 minute
Playoffs The top 4 teams from each division will advance to playoffs Top 2 teams in division will be placed in the A bracket Next 2 teams in division will be placed in the B bracket Standings are determined by, in order: winning percentage, sportsmanship rating, point differential, points against Teams must maintain a satisfactory sportsmanship rating of 3.5 in order to qualify for, and continue through, playoffs
Preseason Tournament Interested in getting some pre-season practice? Teams can sign up for the preseason tournament on Games will be played on October 11th, 12th, and 13th The first ten teams to sign up will secure their chance to have the IM Program pay for their hobo dough deposit If you have any questions, please contact, 605-688-5294