Google Apps Training
Chrome Tools Omnibox Multiple, Movable, Pinnable Tabs Apps Chooser Bookmarks Bar Extensions Account Chooser Settings Applications Multiple Pages of Apps Downloaded Files
What YOU will know how to do! Sites- Create a website for connecting to students and more. Google Classroom- Simplify course delivery and go paperless. Google Docs and Drive- Create, collaborate, and store in the cloud. Google Forms/Flubaroo- Save time by creating and sending assessments online and have them graded automatically. Edpuzzle- Engage students by Injecting quizzes into videos. 5 minutes Sites- Connect and create a website for communication with stakeholders Classroom- Sample Questions, how to assign the google doc. Assigned every different way/due date Docs- ^ Forms- Share a form in classroom / Show results with flubaroo Edpuzzle- Assign in classroom, (Cannot skip)
Drive Tools File access on your computer, phone, iPad, etc. Upload Files Make Folders, Change Folder Colors Search Search in Omnibar It even Searches Words in Images Unlimited Storage USB drives, H Drive, Dropbox, Desktop Sharing Organizing
Just added EPUB
Doc Tools Organize Folders from within a Google Doc File, Move to Folder View Revision History File, View Revision History Research Tool Tools, Research Equation Toolbar View, Show Equation Toolbar Templates File, New, From Template, then Public
Doc Add-Ons How to get Add-ons
Sheets Tools Freeze Rows Templates View, Freeze, then choose option File, New From Template, then Public
Sheets Add-Ons Flubaroo Autocrat Mapping Sheets Remove Duplicates Grades Quizzes(From Forms) Autocrat Mail Merges Mapping Sheets Takes address from Sheets and Creates a Custom Map Remove Duplicates Removes Duplicates:)
Slides Tools Page Setup Templates Insert Download as .jpeg Research Create Brochures Templates Slide Carnival Public Templates Teacher Templates Insert Image Video Download as .jpeg Research
Form Tools Themes Form Settings Choice Eliminator (Add-On) Eliminates options as they are chosen
Drawing Tools Research Public Templates Create Badges Create Email Signatures and Digital Signature Create Mind Maps Create Graphic Organizer Create Header for your Webpage, Google Classroom, or Social Media
Classroom Tools Share Resources Create a Lesson Make Class Announcements Go Paperless Simplify the Turn in Process Protect Privacy Reduce Cheating Create a Discussion Organize Assignments with Due Dates
Site Tools For Creating Webpages Create & Name your site Site Templates Site Themes Categories & Descriptions Adding Pages Page Layout Page settings
Other Cool Stuff Omnibar Google Map Measuring Google Timer Right Click on Google Map and Click Measure Distance Google Timer Type in Omnibar Time and Timer (Ex. 5 Minute Timer)