Coordinating & Scheduling chapter 13 Coordinating & Scheduling
Coordination The goal in coordinating a recreation facility is to create an effective system that provides for the efficient use of all areas, personnel, and equipment in a harmonious and timely fashion. Managing individual and group use of a facility takes time and effort. Inefficient coordination can reflect poorly on management and product delivery.
Typical Coordination Arrangements Typical arrangements to coordinate include the following: Dates and time commitment Setup and takedown Equipment needs Electrical needs Area load and layout Supervision Security requirements Access control Charges Food service Final written agreement
Coordination Challenges Over time production areas can become crowded. Although this problem can be the result of demand for a product, it makes coordination challenging. Obstacles arise in meeting user needs when there are too many users or employees for the space available. Recreation facility managers should be alert to space limitations, anticipate solutions, and have appropriate responses that will help in the effort to coordinate facilities.
Maximizing Facility Usage Coordinating maximal facility usage is important. There are five approaches to doing so: 1. Leadership 2. Stakeholders 3. Seasonality 4. Time 5. Place
Leadership Leadership refers to how recreation agency leaders influence facility usage so that it fulfills the mission of the agency. Administrators have a philosophy about their product and how it should be produced and delivered. Employees should be familiar with this philosophy and it should influence decisions regarding facility utilization.
Stakeholders Users and employees, or stakeholders, are people who use a recreation facility. An appreciation for personalities, gender, race, social status, attitude, and motivation is an important factor in facility coordination. Understanding the different people who may use a recreation facility and enhancing their usage can lead to harmonious use of a facility and can help anticipate and avoid coordination problems.
Seasonality Seasonality is being aware of changes in recreation facility use as it relates to certain times of the year. Busy times are the peak season and slow times are the off-season. Facility coordination efforts can change dramatically as seasons dictate product interest and support.
Time of Day Facility usage varies based on certain times of the day. Customer demand for a particular time drives coordination decisions. This is often referred to as prime time, and the opposite is non-prime time.
Place It is critical that recreation facility managers be mindful of the type of facility and how it dictates certain use and coordination limitations. Depending on the facility, there can be policies, procedures, rules, and regulations that influence coordination.
Scheduling Scheduling is the act of assigning a time, place, and date based on a request for a particular use. In many facilities, the agency schedules its own activities related to delivering the core product. In other instances, facilities may be reserved by users. Recreation facility managers are responsible for facility scheduling, which can be a tedious and difficult responsibility.
Product Influence Each facility has scheduling needs based on the core product. Scheduling practices for products are based on one or a combination of the following: Users Staff Space Events
Scheduling Procedures Recreation facility scheduling is challenging, so applying a system of sound procedures can be invaluable. These procedures may be applied informally or formally. In most cases where effective and efficient management scheduling is observed, the following scheduling procedures are applied: a request, log, review, response, and agreement.
Scheduling Responsibilities Scheduling responsibilities need to be understood before arrangements for use can take place. These responsibilities will vary depending on the facility and how it is utilized. Arrangements are often communicated in writing where both parties recognize their responsibilities. (continued)
Scheduling Responsibilities (continued) Users may need equipment, lighting, security, or other services provided by the agency. On the other hand, these needs may be the responsibility of the user and may include setup and takedown, security, supervision, equipment, and safety.
Scheduling Policies Facility scheduling practices require the establishment of policies to protect everyone’s interest and involvement. Policies also provide the basis for consistent and fair review of facility requests. Scheduling policies can be related to charges or fees, prioritization, cancellation, damage, food service, and insurance.
Scheduling Techniques Scheduling can be accomplished using different concepts and practices. Computers play a significant role in the facility scheduling process. Certain techniques can be applied to efficiently manage facility requests, which can involve diverse interests and a large number of requests. Ultimately, whatever system is in place should be tied into a facility master schedule.
Master Schedule A master schedule is appropriate when there are many requests for facility use. It records all uses by date, time, space, and user contact information. The master schedule should be maintained and available for reference by facility personnel at any time.
Assignment 1. Describe what features the facility provides on-line that would be a convenience to the customer in terms of facility use or access. 2. Cite specific examples of facility scheduling activities that are available on-line? 3. What other facility scheduling processes (not online) are used at your facility? 4. List several policies that effect utilization of the facility or any area(s) of the facility. 5. From the perspective of a customer, what would you suggest to the facility manager to improve the availability of information on this website?