Optimized Academic Scheduling CoLlege/School/Department Meetings – August 2017
Optimized Academic Scheduling Task Force Christopher Lantz – CHHS Rep Matthew TenHuisen – Faculty Senate Rep Carol McNulty – WCE Rep Colin Chapman – IT Support David Webster – CAS Rep Tina Strickland – EMS Manager David Glew – CSB Rep Woody Sutton – Space Planning Kristin Brogden – Interim Community Engagement/Summer Rep Jonathan Reece – Registrar Freeman Whitney – Registrar Stephen Meinhold – Faculty Senate Rep Melissa Duffield – Registrar
What is Optimized Academic Scheduling? Charged by the Provost Changing the way in which the University assigns general use classroom space Utilizing EMS, used for many years, to optimize the assignment of these spaces Space assigned based on projected class size and other preferences Transparency! Nothing behind the curtain.
What DOES Optimized Academic Scheduling INCLUDE? General Use Classroom Space (49.6% of schedulable space) Maintenance - typically handled by departments Maintenance will move to Academic Affairs (unsure what that will look like)
What DOES Optimized Academic Scheduling ExCLUDE? Time, Day, Instructor, or Instructional Method Specialized Spaces (i.e., DE classrooms, Labs, Studios, etc.)
Preferences Departments have the ability to set their own priorities Features Pedagogical needs Proximities ADA
Areas South East North West
Standard Class Times (Prime Time) – CAS Policy* * There is not a University policy
Departmental Visits requested – Early Fall Jonathan, Melissa, and one other OASTF member are available to visit and… Explain Gather priorities Trainings are being developed in early November to outline the changes in scheduling that will occur.
Warning! Schedules will not roll for fall 2018, spring 2019, and summer 2019 Schedules will roll again in fall 2019 What? Why? Additional time has been granted as a result. Schedule building for fall 2018 will begin earlier, in November. This does not mean you have to start in November. You simply have more time because you are building from scratch. Additional time will also be allocated for the other affected terms too. Schedule change access ends prior to optimization –
TimeLINE – Fall 2018 schedule May 2017 Present a plan to the Provost (revise as needed) July 2017 Registrar meets with Deans & Associate Deans (roll-out plan) August – September 2017 Registrar & OSTF Faculty Rep visit each Academic Department (if requested by Deans) Explain Optimized Academic Scheduling Edit preferences November 20, 2017 Schedule Building begins (normally starts Feb 5,’18) **To include Scheduling Workshops** November 20 – February 9, 2018 Span of time for Departmental Schedule Builder edits (normally starts Feb 5,‘18) ***This is to allow for extra time within EMS to become familiar with the system*** ***Schedules must be built from scratch/No rollover*** February 9, 2018 Schedule Builder Access switched from maintenance to view only Optimization Begins/Error Cleanup (Office of the Registrar) Late additions/changes (handled by the Office of the Registrar & a designated person from each Dean’s Office) based on availability March 1, 2018 Classes are Visible to UNCW Community Advising Opens April 9, 2018 Registration Opens to Students August 22, 2018 Classes Begin September 5, 2018 Census
TimeLINE – Spring 2019 schedule March 1 2018 Schedule Builder Access & Scheduling Workshops begin March 1 – September 2018 Span of time for Departmental Schedule Builder edits (normally starts Feb 5,‘18) ***This is to allow for extra time within EMS to become familiar with the system*** ***Schedules must be built from scratch/No rollover*** September 1, 2018 Schedule Builder Access switched from maintenance to view only Optimization Begins/Error Cleanup (Office of the Registrar) Late additions/changes (handled by the Office of the Registrar & a designated person from each Dean’s Office) based on availability October 1, 2018 Classes are Visible to UNCW Community Advising Opens November 6, 2018 Registration Opens to Students January 8, 2019 Classes Begin January 22, 2019 Census
TimeLINE – Summer 2019 schedule November 19, 2018 Schedule Builder Access & Scheduling Workshops begin November 19 – February 8, 2019 Span of time for Departmental Schedule Builder edits (normally starts Feb 5,‘18) ***This is to allow for extra time within EMS to become familiar with the system*** ***Schedules must be built from scratch/No rollover*** February 8, 2019 Schedule Builder Access switched from maintenance to view only Optimization Begins/Error Cleanup (Office of the Registrar) Late additions/changes (handled by the Office of the Registrar & a designated person from each Dean’s Office) based on availability March 1, 2019 Classes are Visible to UNCW Community Advising Opens April 8, 2019 Registration Opens to Students May 16, 2019 Classes Begin May 17, 2019 Census
Sharing time… Questions Suggestions Thoughts Feedback Possible scenarios to test Project Website (in development): http://uncw.edu/reg/classroom_optimization.html After today, send to Melissa Duffield (duffieldm@uncw.edu)