DVG’s New Trial Scheduling System
What is Caniva? Caniva is on-line software to manage dog events. Caniva covers all types of events: conformation shows, agility, obedience, IPO, seminars, and others. Many different dog organizations use it. DVG has an arrangement with Caniva to use it for trial management, including both requesting a trial date and managing your entries. There is no charge to clubs to use the system. In the long run, Caniva eliminates most trial paperwork.
Must we use Caniva to apply for a trial date? DVG clubs in LV America must use Caniva for any trial request submitted to the LRO after October 1, 2017.
Must competitors use Caniva to enter a trial? Competitors do not have to use Caniva to enter a trial. But, once a club uses Caniva to request a trial, the club must accept trial entries submitted through Caniva.
How do we use Caniva? To use Caniva to request a trial date, first you must have an account on the Working-Dog website: https://www.working-dog.com Once you have an account, go to https://dvg.caniva.com and click on “ADD EVENTS.” Follow the instructions on the site. The following pages contain a tutorial that walks you through the process. If the tutorial still leaves you with questions, contact DVGCanivahelp@gmail.com You can use Caniva to enter a trial without having a working-dog.com account.
Using Caniva to Schedule a Trial
1. Register Register to use the system at https://www.working-dog.com/ Skip this step if you are already registered Registration is free
2. Login to the DVG Caniva site Go to https://dvg.caniva.com Once you are on the DVG Caniva site, click on “LOGIN.” And login to the site
3. Select “add event”
This opens a data entry screen about your event
4. Fill out the event information form From the dropdown menus, for organization select DVG category select Utility & Tracking Dogs National group select LV 11 Amerika judges chairman – once you select LV 11 Amerika, the only judges chairman that will be offered in the drop down menu will be the correct one starting places, enter 36 for a 1 day trial, 72 for 2 days (this refers to the number of phases you can offer)
5. Click “Continue” If you forgot to fill out some required information, the system will ask for it.
6. Select titles you will offer A new screen opens, asking you to pick the titles you will offer. Note that by “departments” they mean units (you can schedule 36 units each day).
Typically clubs select the phases marked on the next page.
7. Click “Continue”
8. Check “No” on the first line of the payment page
9. Click “Continue”
This opens a data entry screen about the trial chairman and the contact person
10. Fill in trial chair and contact person info
11. Click “Continue”
This opens a large screen where you specify required information about the dogs and handlers Note: the system automatically selects many of the boxes
Dog info screen
Dog info screen continued, 2
Dog info screen continued, 3
Select what information you will require Select what information you will require. We recommend the info selected on the following sample screens.
Note – obviously you are not asking for a pedigree, just a scorebook.
12. Click “Save”
The system will send you an email confirming that your event is in the system
Your trial will appear on the list of trials in Caniva