On August 21st, something special is happening On August 21st, something special is happening. The last time this happened xxx people had permanent vision loss because they didn’t protect themselves properly. Click through to find out how to keep yourself, your family, and your friends safe. https://www.bing.com/images/search?view=detailV2&ccid=km7%2bl8J2&id=223236B7AC4092692DCDE234EAE7082D2B4D79F8&thid=OIP.km7-l8J24t-TZq5KFDa5qgExDM&q=solar+eclipse&simid=608021612481022880&selectedIndex=0&ajaxhist=0 My VisionCare Office, 123 Main Street, Anycity, 555-555-5555
On August 21st, there will be an eclipse. Here is the path it will take. My VisionCare Office, 123 Main Street, Anycity, 555-555-5555
But what if I am not in the direct path? Can I still see the eclipse? Yes, but as you move away from the path, totality of eclipse drops sharply. Totality doesn’t last very long and depends on your location. The best location is about six miles southeast of Carbondale, Illinois. There totality is predicted to last about 2 minutes and 42 seconds. https://www.nbcnews.com/mach/science/eclipse-101-ncna778036 My VisionCare Office, 123 Main Street, Anycity, 555-555-5555
What time of day? NASA has state-by-state maps of the path of the eclipse. The moment at which totality begins is: 10:17 a.m. PDT in Salem, Oregon 11:33 a.m. MDT in Idaho Falls, Idaho 11:43 a.m. in MDT Casper, Wyoming 1:12 p.m. CDT in Columbia, Missouri 1:27 p.m. CDT in Nashville, Tennessee 2:46 p.m. EDT in Charleston, South Carolina. https://www.nbcnews.com/mach/science/eclipse-101-ncna778036 http://3rl6883b15pn3lu5qr1bbnzv14uh.wpengine.netdna-cdn.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/07/Timepill-Clock.jpg
The danger is … Looking at the sun without proper protection can damage your eyes This is a picture of the inside of back of the eye. You are looking at the retina. The little spot that the arrow is pointing to has been permanently damaged by looking at the sun. This damage will never heal. Even though this spot is small, it causes a large vision loss. Don’t let this be you. https://www.bing.com/images/search?view=detailV2&ccid=%2fK706F%2f5&id=9569A11056B10D6C00BF9EC09FAC506FF3AF352E&thid=OIP._K706F_5gnMJbpUPRMnmYQEsDh&q=solar+damage+to+retina&simid=608008061851471848&selectedIndex=6&ajaxhist=0 My VisionCare Office, 123 Main Street, Anycity, 555-555-5555
SAFE NOT SAFE The solution is Sunglasses Smoked glass A filter capable of reducing the amount of light reaching your eye by a factor of 250,000. Inexpensive eclipse viewers that meet this standard are readily available at your local … astronomy club science museum Planetarium Two million eclipse viewers are available for free at public libraries across the U.S. Sunglasses Smoked glass Home-made substitutes My VisionCare Office, 123 Main Street, Anycity, 555-555-5555
The sun throws out light that can hurt us anytime The sun throws out light that can hurt us anytime. An example is the harmful UV light from the sun. What other light from the sun can harm our eyes? Red light Yellow light Blue light Green light
If you chose “blue light” then you are correct. Not all blue light is harmful. In fact, some blue light is helpful to our bodies. So there is good blue light and bad blue light. The bad blue light can cause permanent damage to the cells in the back of our eyes. Bad blue light has been implicated in the #1 cause of vision loss over age 50 – macular degeneration.
UV hurts the front of the eye and blue light hurts the back of the eye To learn more, click here to read an article about UV and Blue light https://www.reviewofoptometry.com/ce/the-lowdown-on-blue-light-good-vs-bad-and-its-connection-to-amd-109744 https://www.reviewofoptometry.com/courses/109744/img1.jpg
Be safe during the eclipse, but also be safe every day from the harmful UV and blue light both outdoors and indoors by wearing protective lenses. http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-xQ2x9mTXo10/T0Dt7UI3UbI/AAAAAAAAAQw/o0CcztCMiXM/s1600/9340484-shield-protection-shown-by-lightning.jpg My VisionCare Office, 123 Main Street, Anycity, 555-555-5555
555-555-5555 My VisionCare Office, 123 Main Street, Anycity, 555-555-5555