Science Lesson 1 L.O to differentiate between living and non living objects
Living and Non-living Living Non-Living L.O to differentiate between living and non living objects Living and Non-living Living Non-Living
These are living things L.O to differentiate between living and non living objects Living Things These are living things What do all these things need to stay alive? How do we know they are living?
Non-living Things These are non-living things L.O to differentiate between living and non living objects Non-living Things These are non-living things How are the objects the same? How do we know they are non- living?
Challenge Time! living Non-living Living or non living? L.O to differentiate between living and non living objects Challenge Time! Living or non living? living Non-living Can you name another object for each category and discuss why it fits into the category you have chosen?
Add one more of your own ideas to each section. L.O to differentiate between living and non living objects Task Now complete the worksheet drawing the pictures into the correct categories. Add one more of your own ideas to each section.
Which are living, which are non-living and which never lived? L.O to differentiate between living and non living objects Which are living, which are non-living and which never lived? living non-living
L.O to differentiate between living and non living objects What’s alive? Let’s listen to a story about things that are living
Science Lesson 2 L.O: to understand that animals live in various habitats.
Animals live in places called ‘Habitats’ L.O: to understand that animals live in various habitats. Animals live in places called ‘Habitats’ Habitats are the animals home. Can you think of any animal homes? Do all animals live in the same home?
Animals change in order to live in their habitats. L.O: to understand that animals live in various habitats. Animals change in order to live in their habitats. A frog can live in water because it has long legs that help them jump and webbed feet to help them swim. Photo courtesy of Henry McLin( - granted under creative commons licence - attribution
L.O: to understand that animals live in various habitats. Rabbits live in a habitat called a ‘Burrow’. They dig a big hole in the ground. Rabbits can live in burrows because they have strong back legs that help them dig holes and large ears that help them hear really well.
L.O: to understand that animals live in various habitats. Camels live in habitats called the desert. The weather is very hot in the desert. Camels can live in the desert because they large humps on their backs that store fat. This helps them live for a long time without food or water.
L.O: to understand that animals live in various habitats.
L.O: to understand that animals live in various habitats. Can you think of any other animal habitats? Talk to your partner and find out! Can you select what animal belongs in the desert? Can you choose which habitat each animal belongs to?
L.O: to understand that animals live in various habitats. Task Time In your science copy draw a picture of an animal in its habitat! Green table - a bird in its habitat Red table – a camel in its habitat Yellow table – a frog in its habitat Blue – a rabbit in its habitat
Science Lesson 3 L.O to recognise and name different habitats and the animals that live there.
Which are living, which are non-living and which never lived? L.O to differentiate between living and non living objects Which are living, which are non-living and which never lived? living non-living
Animals live in places called ‘Habitats’ L.O: to recognize and name different habitats and the animals that live in them. Animals live in places called ‘Habitats’ Habitats are the animals home. Can you think of any animal homes? Do all animals live in the same home?
L.O to recognise and name different habitats and the animals that live there. Take a look at these habitats. What animals do you think live here? Why do they live here?
L.O to recognise and name different habitats and the animals that live there.
L.O to recognise and name different habitats and the animals that live there.
L.O to recognise and name different habitats and the animals that live there.