S&C & MKT Joint Workshop ICM Porto 16th-23rd of October 2016 Promotion Strategies S&C & MKT Joint Workshop ICM Porto 16th-23rd of October 2016
ELSA Delegations
Background Promotion on the international level 2 posts per call Testimonials on the ELSA Delegations’ Website Email to the ELSA Network Facebook page Statistics France, Germany, Italy, Turkey (70-260) Croatia, Denmark, Georgia, Malta, Romania, Portugal (1-8) Promotion – Ivan Statistics - Nigel
Reasons behind What do you think are the reasons for such an amount of applications from the aforementioned countries? Why do you think ELSA members in your country are (not) interested in the project? Reasoning – Nigel asks people about the reasons of the low/high amount of applications. Around 20 min. Use flipchart to signify the reasons. Comments on the go. Do the conclusion.
Solutions How do you promote this Flagship Project? Do you have any specific strategies? Localisation of the materials What can EI do to improve? Ivan presents the questions.
ELSA Law Schools Nigel comes with introduction and stats.
Promotion on the international level 2 cycles (Winter & Summer) 3 sub-periods per cycle preliminary promotion launch + main promotion (until the closing of applications) additional period unified marketing kit (localisation possibility) Email to the ELSA Network Testimonials on the ELSA Law Schools’ Website Photo Competition Ivan covers mostly (Nigel helps in deadlines and covers testimonials & photo competition). Also, stats from Nigel Also, 40’000 people reach.
Round table discussion How do you promote ELSA Law Schools to your members and students? How do you promote your individual ELSA Law Schools? Nigel asks people
International S&C Projects Ivan covers.
Promotional tools Events Calendars Synergy (also, articles) Website (elsa.org/events) Facebook Groups Presentations during Internal Meetings What can EI do more to help you out? Ivan
Party Hard!