Make sure to complete and turn in your “self-grade” rubric! 4/29/16 Admit Slip Finish your project and get ready for presentations! We will present in 15 min. Make sure to complete and turn in your “self-grade” rubric! Date: 4/29/16 Topic: Digestive System Review Page # ___
Date: 4/29/16 Topic: Digestive System Review Page # ___ Today in Room 326/311… HW: Write a paragraph describing how you might alter your diet to gain/lose weight or muscle CONTENT OBJ: SW associate digested food with calorie intake, and describe how that relates to BMR LANG. OBJ: SW read handout, answer questions verbally and in written form, and listen to directions ANNOUNCEMENTS: Attendance! AGENDA: Finish GastroWorld (15 min) GastroWorld Presentations (10 min) BMR notes & Reading (30 min) Digestive System Review (10 min) Digestive System Quiz (15 min)
GastroWorld Presentations Groups turn in self-graded rubric Students grade presentations
BMR Reading What’s BMR? Basal Metabolic Rate # of Calories required to keep your body alive while you are asleep and not digesting food DIFFERENT from BMI (Body Mass Index) Measure of the amount of fat on your body
BMR Calculating Factors in your WEIGHT plus your HEIGHT, minus your AGE If you are tall and heavy and young… high or low BMR? Tall but thin and young… ? Tall and thin but old? …?
High or low BMR?
Your turn! Read & highlight the front information, then calculate your own BMR. Read & highlight the back information, and answer the questions that follow. What did you learn? Share out
Digestive System Review Class-led
Digestive System Quiz