Presented by: Milagros Rivera-Fogg Post University The skin that we speak Presented by: Milagros Rivera-Fogg Post University
Title of Book: THE SKIN THAT WE SPEAK Introduction The Skin That We Speak is a Memoir with three sections and 12 chapters. Each chapter provides readers with experiences in the area of language and culture from educators and various commentators. These experiences will provide the reader with a new perspective on language that will help understand culture, language and learning. Overview This book provides a new perspective on Standard English and Ebonics (Black English) while at the same time encouraging the readers that language plays a role in culture. Teachers should understand the differences each child brings to the classroom in respect to language by examining culture and the history of each individual. Attitudes about language and how it is embedded in a culture which provides positive or negative views to others can have long effects in a child’s future. This presentation will provide an overview of how language plays a role in education.
Culture and Learning This book connects to culture and how it affects learning and achievement. Educators helping children in a diverse setting should take into consideration the children’s language by honoring and respecting it, which comes with the children’s culture. Dowdy and Delpit (2002, p. 89), point out that language is rooted and it is an aspect of culture. Students from different cultures may have more difficulties in the classroom due to culture, language, learning style and upbringing. With his in mind, to help students succeed, teachers should be culturally responsive educators. According to Chiarello (2012), culturally responsive teachers craft the education their particular students deserve—one that acknowledges their voices, validates their concerns, and connects to their experiences.
Reflection on Cultural Idenity, Power, and Privilege Many people will view Standard English as the only language and judged people who use their home language as ignorant. This in turn will limit job opportunities. Language reveals the person who they are and what country they are from (Dowdy and Delpit, 2002, p. 66). Because language is part of the person’s culture, many students who speak Ebonics or Black English will be judged as uneducated, incapable of learning or achieving (Delpit & Dowdy , 2002, p.110). (Nieto, 2008), explains that the influences of language on learning for African American are both complex and problematic. Further Dowdy and Delpit (2002, p. 67) state that teachers may base serious systematic judgments about a pupil’s intellectual abilities on totally irrelevant information.
Helping Students Achieve Success in the Future In the classroom, teachers should help contribute to the success of the students and help eliminate race as a predictor of achievement. Also, recognize and value the student’s dominant language. More importantly, teachers must evaluate and uncover any personal attitudes they have related to race, language and culture. Gorski (2012) points out that the most commonly held stereotypes are those that distinguish non-dominant groups from the ways in which privileged groups tend to imagine, and wish to project themselves. Many times teachers will give up on the students and this in turn is a concern because they are not helping students succeed. As stated by Delpit (2012), teachers should never accept failure; they should advocate and push all students to succeed.
Issue Statement Language plays a major role in the learning process and many educators are unaware of this connection. In addition, teachers are not acknowledging the child’s first language; therefore they are not able to or unaware on how to craft lessons accordingly. For schools to help children who possess a different language other than Standard English, teachers should undermined the student’s intelligence. According to (Delpit & Dowdy, 2002, p.110), successful teaching should focus on academic achievement, support students’ cultural competence, and promote students’ social political competence
Summary and Suggestions The recommendations of this presenter are for educators to broaden the awareness of cultural differences and how language and culture connect with each other. This in turn will provide the opportunity for teachers to find ways to incorporate lessons in the classroom that can be advantageous and beneficial for the students to learn. Further, this presenter learned how to combat negative attitudes about a child’s home language and brainstorm ways to help children succeed in class. More research and teacher support is needed in regards to how teachers can begin to incorporate lessons that will help engage in Language in Education. More importantly, more research and work is needed to make sure that the ignorance and stereotypes of some teachers they have been carrying for years gets tackled sooner than later.
References Chiariello, Emily. "Building Diversity into the Common Core.“ Tolerance.Org. 9 Jan. 2012. Retrieved from Delpit, L. (2012). 'Will it help the sheep?': Why educate? About Campus, 17(3), 2–9. Dowdy, J. K., & Delpit, L. D. (2002). The Skin That We Speak : Thoughts on Language and Culture in the Classroom. New York: New_Press_The. Ford, B. A. a. u. e., Stuart, D. H. d. u. e., & Vakil, S. s. u. e. (2014). Culturally Responsive Teaching in the 21st Century Inclusive Classroom. Journal of the International Association of Special Education, 15(2), 56-62. Gorski, P. C. (2012). Perceiving the Problem of Poverty and Schooling: Deconstructing the Class Stereotypes that Mis-Shape Education Practice and Policy. Equity & Excellence In Education, 45(2), 302-319. doi:10.1080/10665684.2012.666934 Nieto, S. (2008). Chapter 9: Culture and Education. Yearbook Of The National Society For The Study Of Education, 107(1), 127–142.