Late hand-in of assignments Work handed in after the deadline will get a mark of zero, unless your Year Tutor has agreed an extended deadline. Note: the zero mark is new Unit tutors are not allowed to grant extensions If you have valid reasons for requiring an extension, complete an ‘extenuating circumstances (coursework)’ form. You must include documentary evidence.
Late hand-in of assignments Year Tutors (with agreement of unit tutors) may extend the deadline for up to 10 days. For extensions longer than 10 days, a special committee must agree to the extension. Computer/network problems will not be allowed as extenuating circumstances. If your coursework relies on a computer, aim for at least 1 day before the deadline
Non-submission of work Failure - without valid reason - to make a valid attempt at an exam will cause a fail in the module, with no resit opportunity Note: this is a change from last year If you fail the coursework because you did not submit work submitted work after the deadline (without extenuating circumstances) then you will fail the module, with no opportunity for referral. Of course, if you have valid reasons, complete the extenuating circumstances form.
Religious Observances Staff are aware of the key religious observance days during term time, for a number of main faiths. If an assignment deadline falls on one of these days, it is expected that you organise your time to hand in early. You will not be given an extension to hand in later. If a phase test, presentation etc falls on one of these days and the same assessment is offered on other days you may ask to take the assessment on other days. We will try to avoid these dates for phase tests etc if there is only one possible day to do the test. If there are problems, please see your Programme Manager.
More info .... Watch out for more information about changes to Late work Non-submission You will get emails. The full details are on the web site More information about religious observance days on the SHU web site, under Student Services / Chaplaincy.
Don't cheat! The rules about have not changed. cheating (copying from other assignments copying from books or the internet forging data, making misleading statements etc) colluding (helping others to cheat) have not changed. And staff enforce the rules ....
Cheating - Penalties imposed Times in 2003/4 Stage 1: Interview with Course Leader & module staff A formal warning to follow the rules in future 5 Repeat the assignment, capped at 40% 20 Stage 2: Full appearance before Academic Conduct Panel Repeat the assignment, capped at 40% 3 Fail the module. Not allowed to repeat it, or take any replacement module. Hence limited to Non-honours degree 1 Fail ALL modules in the Year. No further study allowed on programme. No degree awarded at all. 2
But the easiest message is ... Keep your record clean. Cheating & References Many employers ask SHU for a reference. If we give a reference, we are legally obliged to mention cases of proven misconduct, and to give some fact-based details as held on your File. Employers will find out A proven cheating offence cannot help you get employment ... but it doesn't necessarily kill your chances either. Employers usually look for a good overall track record, including attendance, meeting deadlines, reliability too. If you have a single cheating case against you, you can still take steps to make yourself employable. But the easiest message is ... Keep your record clean.
Don't cheat! The Cheating regulations apply to ALL assignments Sometimes people say "I didn't think that the regulations applied to this assignment". The Cheating regulations apply to ALL assignments There will be further guidance during the year. If in any doubt, ask.
ACES During the year the way the University organises it's staffing will start to change Most of your tutors and your programme support staff will come from the Faculty of Arts, Computing, Engineering & Sciences You will see some small changes (new logos on letters, a few staff room changes, ....) But the course and programme you are on will not change. It is "Business as usual" for classes and assessment.