Year 12 Information Evening Wed 20th Sept 2017
Setting the context at St. Paul’s How will we ensure that our pupils can do ‘the best that is possible?’ At the beginning of this school year, Jo Hoarty set out her vision and context to all members of staff. You have received a copy of this in the letter that she sent home at the beginning of the year, but I would like to start this evening’s Information Evening by making reference to it as everything we do this year will be driven by this context.
Our school focus for this term: Learned and Wise Teachers will embed the learning talents into their subject lessons to equip pupils with the skills they will need to be life-long learners and prepared for the world of work or further study by the end of Year 13.
A part of developing the learning talents is creating curious minds What happens to all of the questions children ask? Research shows that three- to four-year-olds ask, on average, 3,000 to 4,000 questions in a year. We will be encouraging our Post-16 pupils to ask lots of questions: of themselves, of their peers and of their teachers. It has been said that Einstein’s mother used to ask him what questions he asked at school at the end of each day.
A part of developing the learning talents is creating curious minds A simple change could be from: ‘What did you do at school today?’ to: ‘What questions did you ask at school today?’ It has been said that Einstein’s mother used to ask Einstein what questions he asked at school at the end of each day. Give it a go. Do you notice anything different?
Key Priorities Excellent examination outcomes Impeccable behaviour Outstanding teaching Managing change effectively Mrs Hoarty’s key priorities. These were delivered to teaching staff on the September training day and are being reinforced through all channels in school. Working in partnership with parents too.
Year 12 Learning and Support Learning in the Sixth Form Support in the Sixth Form Opportunity to say hello and ask questions
‘Discipline is the bridge between goals and accomplishments’ In order for students to be successful they need to be able to visualise early on their goal – the big picture. By understanding the big picture, you can begin to recognise where you are on the journey to meet that goal and it contextualises everything you do. To meet that goal there are steps that need to be taken. The more you know what you want to achieve – have a purpose the more disciplined you are to achieve it. We live in a changing world. Our students will need to leave here prepared for the world they enter. We aim to provide the skills needed for jobs that don’t even exist yet. By preparing students academically, socially, and equipping them with a wide variety of skills we aim to give them the adaptability to work towards current and changing goals. Learning in the Sixth Form
Learning in the Sixth Form Core Habits Comes equipped for lessons Has a folder for each subject at home to systematically file work away after a topic has been completed. Has good attendance and punctuality. Completes tasks set in lessons. Completes homework. Meets deadlines. Is aware of target grades and how grades achieved are: above / below / on target. Is able to set and review targets and track progress with teaching staff and mentors Uses It’s Learning Learning in the Sixth Form
Consolidating Independence ... Grasping opportunities to extend and improve learning. Fully engaged and sustaining concentration Learning collaboratively and independently Demonstrate an intellectual and enquiring mind set Knowing how to improve Learning in the Sixth Form
Progress and results St Paul’s A-Level pass rate for the school was 98% BTEC National Vocational courses, 60% gained a Distinction or Distinction* 48% achieved A-A* for the Extended Project Qualification 80% went to university Learning in the Sixth Form
Support in the Sixth Form Our support 6 data capture points in year 12 First one is at the end of September Initial Attainment Levels – 5,4,3,2,1 Unique challenging ‘minimum grade expected’ Realistic end of year 12 exams – PPEs Support in the Sixth Form
Support in the Sixth Form Our support Supported study Head of Year and Pastoral assistant Tutor Academic Mentor Support in the Sixth Form
Enrichment … taking every opportunity Throughout the week During non lesson time Internal or External A huge variety of opportunities that school arranges Students can organise their own Support in the Sixth Form
ABS Attendance Behaviour Success
Support in the Sixth Form Attendance Direct link between attendance and success Authorisation to leave site if students at lunch time. If they have lessons in the afternoon they must return (on time!) if they do not they can remain off site. Access is a privilege and will depend on ABS Compulsory - Form each morning & Mentoring on a Monday, Citizenship/PSHE (Assembly), General RE & Key Skills Attendance letters and phone calls Must have signed the access letter – Programmed pupil ID cards Reviewed constantly Year 12s must be in school at 8.50am EVERY DAY. Support in the Sixth Form
SUPPORT at home... For every student, the school day starts at 8.50am. Please contact the school if they are unable to attend and support absences with a note. School can no longer authorise absences Attend both mentoring days – November and April Monitor paid employment – no more than 10 hours Support your son/daughter’s independent work, for example… Be a Library taxi! Provide a quiet work area Talk with them about their future Be aware of how and what your son/daughter learns
Contacts Head of Year 12 Learning Mentor and Chaplaincy Support Head of Sixth Form Senior Assistant Head