Service Project Basics Do it Make the organization part of YOUR service Be present to the people you are serving, which includes your teens! Take pictures! Send them to Krissy as soon as possible to put on the website and Facebook pages
Service Project Basics Don’t rely on the teens in your group to… Make decisions Communicate times/dates that do/don’t work for them All be present Be the decider. Take all of the necessary information at the next class (when is the best time for the group, worst times, what they want to do, etc), and then plan something!
Communication COMMUNICATION!!!!! Written communication with Richard/Krissy Written communication with teens Written communication with parents of teens Verbal communication with Richard/Krissy Verbal communication with teens Verbal communication with parents of teens FROM the ADULT LEADERS via phone call or in person before/after Confirmation Night
Communication Written Text teens Text parents Email parents Send home a flier (Krissy can print with 24 hour notice) Include date, time, location, mode of transportation Send actual snail mail (the church can pay postage. Krissy can print letter if 24 hour notice) Make a Facebook group for your small group?
Communication Verbal Call the parents When the group has decided a date/time/location The week AND the day before, as a reminder Have a parent meeting with your group prior to a class, to pass along the appropriate information. Send a text the morning of the class saying, “Bring a parent at 6:45 pm tonight to have a quick discussion about the service project.” Give them a handout to go with it.
The day of… Text Richard/Krissy when YOU (the adult leader) arrive at the project Text Richard/Krissy when all of the teens have left the service project
Service Project Request/Approval Form Request/approval form is found online at
Policies and Procedures Permission slips have to be obtained Give Krissy the info, two weeks in advance Teens MUST meet you at the location. NO DRIVING TEENS (new rule)! They must complete their service project with a group from Spirit of Christ Confirmation. They may NOT complete it with school, scouts, NHS, or any other organization.
Policies and Procedures Safe Environment for any parents who help Teen leaders ARE NOT responsible for organizing service projects. Their input may be considered, but it is the responsibility of the adult. The adult leader from the group has to be there. You can combine groups, but that doesn’t excuse the adult from the group. If you combine, all of the adults for both groups must be present
Permission Slips Make sure they are signed and filled out in full Turn into Krissy after the event Have them with you during the event Ask Krissy to print them for you with at least two week’s notice.
Due Dates Request/approval forms are due December 3 Service projects must be completed by March 31 AFTERWARDS…All teens must turn in a form (found in their workbooks), saying they attended the service project, what they learned, etc. THEY WILL NOT GET CREDIT FOR THE PROJECT UNTIL THEY TURN THESE IN!
Teen Leaders BE EXCITED! SHOW UP!! Help give ideas (what did you do with your group? What have you done through other organizations?)
After the Service Project Send Krissy between 2-5 pictures within 24 hours (texting them is acceptable. Please make sure you have one picture with the entire group including leaders, and one showing someone actually doing the service) Turn in permission slips to Krissy within one week Turn in completed/signed forms from the teens (page 7?)
Brainstorm Break into small groups (your entire team must be together), and discuss… How do you feel about putting together the small groups? What are some obstacles you think you’ll face? What ideas do you have? (remember, hospitals and soup kitchens often have age restrictions and/or require a certain amount of training that is impractical for the group. What other ideas do you have?)
Remember… Communicate! Communicate! Communicate! Who? What? Where? Why? When?