From: How the unstable eye sees a stable and moving world


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Presentation transcript:

From: How the unstable eye sees a stable and moving world Journal of Vision. 2013;13(10):22. doi:10.1167/13.10.22 Figure Legend: Experimental methods: The physical configuration of the system is shown schematically at the top of the figure. The subject saw two fields against a dark background, each with a size of 2° or smaller and positioned 2° on either side of a fixation cross. The left display was generated by the AOSLO scanning beam and was projected directly onto the retina. The motion of the stimulus and/or the field in the AOSLO display was computed directly from eye motion after applying a transformation of gain, g, and/or angle, θ. The right display was a conventional LCD computer screen display that was used for the matching task. The stimulus and/or the field on the right jittered randomly with an amplitude that was controlled by the subject. For conditions A and C, the AOSLO scanning beam was modulated to generate a smaller field within the full extent of the raster scan (indicated by the dashed line). In condition B, only the black stimulus moved. In condition C, both the field and the stimulus were moved with independent gain and angle transformations. Example motion of stimulus and field are illustrated here as motion trails. Date of download: 11/6/2017 The Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology Copyright © 2017. All rights reserved.