Welcome to Franklin School 2014-2015
Franklin School Vision Statement Franklin School is committed to providing students with exemplary instruction designed to educate the whole child so that he/she may become a productive member of the community. We nurture intellectual curiosity, collaborative and critical thinking, and effective communication. Instruction is aimed at supporting each student's ability to achieve at the highest levels. We encourage all members of the community to contribute to the support of student learning and to act as collaborative partners in the education of our children. Students are guided in the exploration of their intellectual, artistic, technological, physical, social, and character development. Our rigorous, standards-based instructional program is geared toward enabling all students to meet the challenges of the future with confidence and compassion.
School Safety Visibility of Staff during outdoor periods Anti-bullying programs/ Olweus Stand By Me Awards Yellow Slips I Care, 5 for Success, Merit Program Gates are locked from 8:35am to 2:45pm daily. Drop off (Valet) program
Safety Drills Earthquake Bin Supplies in Classrooms
Attendance Please be on time everyday. School starts at 8:30am. Missing 3 days without a valid excuse (illness or bereavement) is considered a truancy. September is Attendance Awareness Month.