Discovering auschwitz Learning Gain: All learners will explore the conditions of the Auschwitz concentration camps, and report on its significance. Today we will: Research Auschwitz in groups Draw conclusions about Auschwitz and its conditions Report on the conditions from the perspective of a British reporter Discovering auschwitz The Ethical Dimension .
Other interesting info? Research Auschwitz 5 W’s Conditions Facts/Statistics Other interesting info? You each have an information booklet which contains information and images about Auschwitz Please read through the information and create a mind map of notes about the concentration camp
What might the reporters have written about? Read All About It! When the Allied soldiers arrived at the concentration camps to liberate the Jews, they were shocked at what they found. The Germans had kept some of the horrors of the Holocaust a secret from the rest of the world. Along with the soldiers, British, Canadian & American reporters arrived at the camps. What might the reporters have written about?
Report the News Your task is to imagine you were a British reporter that arrived at Auschwitz with the Allied soldiers who liberated the Jews. You need to write a news report, detailing what you saw and experienced. Success Criteria 5 W’s Formal language Eye-witness accounts (at least 2) Non-biased (neutral viewpoint) Chronological order Catchy headline & subheading Connectives Topic sentences Topic sentence: a sentence which summarises what a paragraph will be about