Cambrian School District 2010-11 Unaudited Actuals
2010-11 Unaudited Actuals The Unaudited actuals from 2010-11 reflect the actual unaudited revenues, expenditures and fund balances as of June 30, 2011 The District closed the books for 2010-11 on September 6, 2010 Board action is required to approve the Unaudited Actuals before submission
2010-11 Revenues - $25,614,889 Revenue limit comes from two major sources: State Aid $5,612,479 and Property Tax $11,288,988
86.4% of Dollars go to Salaries and Benefits 2010-11 Expenditures - $23,049,483 86.4% of Dollars go to Salaries and Benefits 1xxx Certificated Personnel 2xxx Classified Personnel 3xxx Benefits 4xxx Supplies 5xxx Contracted Services 6xxx Capital Items 7xxx Other Outgo
General Fund Ending Balances as of June 30, 2011 Unrestricted $7,689,944 Balance includes a 5% Reserve For Economic Uncertainties Restricted $790,271 Balance includes Federal Jobs Funding
Next Steps County Office of Education will review the Unaudited Actuals External auditors will perform the final review in November Final audit report will be presented to the Board in January or February 2012
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