Team Introduction, Roles, Project Brainstorming Objectives for Tonight Divide Lab section into project teams of 3 - 6 students, max 3 teams/lab (note some lab sections may only support a single project team while others will be stretched to keep to only 3) Each team member introduces themselves by verbalizing their strengths, expertise and experience Record and set team member strengths, resources, availability Setup operating mechanisms, periodic meeting times Exchange contact information Assign project roles (defined herein) as an operating framework Identify 3 potential projects for your team Electronic version of required template slides due at Lab End
Team Introduction, Roles, Brainstorming Deliverables Powerpoint slide set (fill in the template slides) which captures above objectives including …. Minimum 3 Additional Powerpoint slides describing 3 potential projects including the following information: Basic Product Description Key Features and/or Operating Modes Key Differentiating Performances Basic Block Diagram including External Interfaces, User Interfaces and Power Source(s) Justify: Why is this a good project for your team?
Team #: Staff Name 1 Name 2 Name 3 Name 4 Name 5 Name 6 Degree Sought (BSEE) BSEE, BSME MSEE etc Template Slide
Team #: Expertise & Experience Name 1 Name 2 Name 3 Name 4 Name 5 Name 6 Expertise: Digital: PLD/FPGA VHDL Experience: 1 Coop Semester @ XYZ Corp Expertise: Analog: Amplifier, Filter Design Experience: None Expertise: Microprocessors Experience: Firmware for Hobby Applications Expertise: Experience: Template Slide
Team #: Contact Info Name 1 Name 2 Name 3 Name 4 Name 5 Name 6 Phone 1: Phone 2: Email: Template Slide: For team use only Do NOT include in any presentations
Team #: Weekly Availability Worksheet Name 1 Name 2 Name 3 Name 4 Name 5 Name 6 Time 1: Time 2: Time 3: Time 4: Template Slide
Team #: Weekly Project Meeting Plan Weekly Meeting 1: Place, Friday 2-4 PM Owner, Expected Attendees & Purpose: Weekly Meeting 2: Place, Saturday 9-11 AM Weekly Meeting 3: Place, Monday 2-4 PM Weekly Meeting 4: Place, Friday 2-4 PM Expected Attendees & Purpose: Weekly Meeting 5: Place, Friday 2-4 PM Expected Attendees & Purpose Weekly Meeting 6: Place, Friday 2-4 PM Expected Attendees Note: LPI Communicates Meeting Notices, Record Business-Issues-Actions, Keep Weekly Attendance Records Template Slide
Team #: Total Resources XX Manhours (make sure you have a realistic number here which takes into account prior commitments incl potential job interviews, travel, etc) $XX or key part availability for material and prototyping Summarize your individual and team commitments to the project !! Template Slide
Team #: Decision Making Statement of how your team will make decisions within all project guidelines. (ie; consensus, majority vote, etc) If teams cannot make effective decisions according to their agreed upon guideline, they may appeal to their Lab Assistant and upwards to the Professor/Lecturer The Professor/Lecturer has the final call on any decision Template Slide
3 Project Ideas: Min 1 Page Each Simple Description and Block Diagram. Try to have a minimum number of blocks to equal the total team staff Describe the key performances that differentiate and generate desire to purchase this product Describe the power source(s), user interfaces, and modes of operation Describe why the project is a good fit for your team