LION King of the Jungle By Ellen
A Lion is classified as a Mammal.
Habitat Most lions live in Africa. Lions can survive in a cool climate or in intense heat. Most of them live in woodlands, grassy plains, and areas with thorny scrub trees.
Facts about a Lion 2nd Largest of cats Male lion can eat 75 pounds of meat in one meal. Lions live 15 to 20 years in the wild. Range in size from 350-400lbs. Male - Lion Female - Lioness Young - Cub Group - Pride
Interesting Facts A male lion is the only member of the cat family with a mane. A lion spends 20 hours per day sleeping. After killing a 600 pound zebra a male lion can drag it into the shade.
Sources “Lion.” World Book Encyclopedia. 2nd Edition. 1996 ed. “A Real Majesty.” Kingdom of Lions: King of Animals. On-line. Microsoft Elplorer. 20 Sep. 2001. Available: Schaller, George B. “Lion.” Discovery School On-line. Microsoft Explorer. 20 Sep. 2001. Available: