Take a Field Trip to the zoo Tigers Gorillas Anacondas Lions References
Gorillas Gorillas are herbivores that means that they only eat plants. Gorillas have a lifespan of forty to fifty years. They are fairly tall in height even when they are on all four limbs. They are approximately 1 meter in height.
Anacondas Anacondas natural habitat is the Jungle. They spend most of their time in the dark waters. They are difficult to study because they leave little to no trails. They will eat animals like ducks, fish, frogs, toads, caiman, and rodents.
Lions Lions are live mostly on the continent Africa. The females are the hunters whereas the males provide protection. They are the 2nd largest in the cat family. They eat fairly large animals such as zebras.
Tigers Tigers are the largest of the cat family. They are around 11 ft in length. They like to hunt at night alone. They may be different colors such as orange and white. They are great swimmers.
References Images from: URL http://www.sciencekids.co.nz/sciencefacts/animals/gorilla.html URL http://www.kidzone.ws/lw/snakes/facts-anaconda.htm URL http://www.sciencekids.co.nz/sciencefacts/animals/tiger.html