Jacksonian Democracy Indian Resistance
Agenda for 2-24-2017 Complete do now: in notebook answer this question: If you were a member of an Indian tribe and you decided to resist Jackson’s Indian removal how would you go about resisting the policy? Complete student copies of slides on Black Hawks war and Seminole Resistance. We will identify the key reasons Black Hawks resistance was unsuccessful and the Seminoles were able to effectively resist. Students will tell me how Black hawk and Seminole choose to resist the Jackson’s policy. Students will write on a separate peace of paper :Would you still resist Jackson’s policy the way you mentioned in the do now and give me a reason from the notes you took. Work on Class Projects for the remainder of the period. Home work All periods: EQ sheets due March 2nd ‘ Facebook project/ storyboards due March 2nd. Complete Facebook worksheets by Tuesday(periods 5,7).
Black Hawks War (1832) Chief Black Hawk Wanted to plant crops for his people. Whites feared that Indians would attack settlements. 4,500 militia and federal troops vs 500 Indian warriors. Tribal leaders opposed the war Starvation a major concern Steamboats used to transport troops. 77 U.S. troops die vs. 600 Indians(warriors and civilians)
Seminole war (1835-1842) Seminole Chief Osceola refused to leave Florida. Indian warriors and escaped slaves attacked white settlements. Guerrilla warfare used to fight U.S. troops. Florida's terrain limits troops effectiveness Disease ravages both sides 3,000 Seminole warriors vs 30,000 U.S. troops Unknown number of Seminole die/ 1,500 U.S. troops die
Profile Picture here Name of figure, job, birthday home city/state Posts (8 total) Comments (2) and visuals(8 total hand drawn and/or computer graphics). *Posts should be in chronological order. Brief (one paragraph) Biography of life till 1845 “friends” list three People