"CRUSADE BY THE SOCIAL INVESTMENT AS TOOL AGAINST CHILD LABOUR AND ITS ECONOMIC EFFECTS ON PERU" Localization: Lima-Peru (San Isidro & Callao) Main counterpart: Protección y Desarrollo NGO Links: APEC-Peru (Ministry of International Affairs) National Committee (Ministry of Labour) Municipalities of San Isidro and Callao Comunication Organizations. Period: 10 Months. (March 2005 to December 2005)
Objectives General Objective: At the end of the project the investment on childhood will be used as tool to eradicate child labour on the streets and to promote economic development. It will be considered key and it will be promoted (especially San Isidro and Callao). Specific Objectives: At the end of the project, the authorities will take consciences of the importance of investing on childhood; Local teachers will have and use the methodology SCREAM to apply in class; Population and media will be sensitized and will reduce the voluntary tradition of childhood labour. The population will be educated on the risks of promoting child labour on Peruvian development. Municipalities and media will obtain new ¨Good Practices¨ and intervention methods to diminish and prevent child labour.
Intervention Strategy The project includes 3 levels of strategies: REGIONAL 3 NATIONAL 2 Local 1 Local activities within two leader municipalities, with a focus on sensitizing and setting an example to other municipalities; National authorities and representatives of various institutions will work with local populations at risk, young people and local media. Regional approach We will work with regional representatives of institutions and media with international competition
Advocacy Strategy 1) To identify key institutions and to be able to take advantage of crucial opportunities and to build a team with the support of the National Committee and APEC Peru; 2) To Join efforts, communicate actions to promote change of attitudes; 3) Strategic planning with two Municipalities, Such as municipal experimental job; 4) Production of sensitisation video
Outputs and Activities Output 1: Authorities, municipalities, and local teachers are trained to carry out actions to help prevent and to eradicate Child labour on the streets, simply because they understand that this effects Peruvian development. Brief overview of activities to be undertaken: Four technical workshops are developed with the assistance of authorities. Design a Manual for facing Child Labour. Agreements and “job groups” to implement with municipalities and social actors sensitised to promote a methodology. To design special materials for campaigns so that educational opportunities are promoted. Teachers from four evening schools will be trained with appropriate pedagogies. trabajo infantil Agenda Pública
Outputs and Activities Output 2: Population will have a new perspective about the risk of child labour, based on technical information. Brief overview of activities to be undertaken: To execute focus-groups to review tendencies. Four workshops for teachers and communicators are completed to collectively be conscience regarding the unsuitability and risk of demand services of child. To design training and specific materials, brochures, bulletins, videos, contests, meetings, radio and television interviews, for media. To apply a Red Card Campaign focused on the Peruvian communities with the help of celebrities of Peruvian Sports or Media, Radio and/or Television. To design specific materials for campaigns so educational opportunities are available. To design a system To design a sensitisation video
Links to Existing ILO and other National Level Frameworks This project, in linkage with: The exiting IPEC Country Program though CETI coordination; To facilitate the transition when Peru will be coordinator of APEC by year 2008; Education for All by 2015; It will contribute to achieve the Government goal of Bogor by 2020; To stimulate investment on National Childhood budget, as policy for prevention and eradication of Child Labour.