The Fairy Tale Case - Case study - The Burke/Lonvig Model FOR EDUCATIONAL USE ONLY The Fairy Tale Case - Case study - The Burke/Lonvig Model Remember this drawing?
The Fairy Tale Case With this tiny fairy tale Siemens Technology Services Syd A/S wanted to thank Green Farm Energy A/S for cooperation about building a biogas plant. Siemens Technology Services A/S is a subsidiary of the worldwide Siemens Cooperation. Siemens Technology Services A/S works with Miscellaneous Electrical Equipment and Component Manufacturing. Green Farm Energy A / S has developed and patented worldwide a comprehensive solution for the future of agriculture and industry based on organic pretreatment for biogas and subsequent separation. The solution stripper nitrogen in biomass, while the organic material is opened up, after which through methane bacteria achieves a higher yield of biogas. The solution meets the needs of society for the treatment of organic waste from agriculture and industry, while being profitable and result in a number of agronomic advantages.
The Fairy Tale Case Siemens Technology Services A/S is studied on the internet Green Farm Energy A / S is studied on the interned Meeting with the CEO from Siemens Technology Services A/S Biogas’ chemical composition is studied
The Fairy Tale Case The fairy tale characters are from the fairy tale “Farmer Jack”. Margaret is dancing ballet in “Farmer Jack” Nicolai and August are drawn as dancers, too. The text is very short, it’s about the dancer’s ability to produce biogas
The Gas-ballet The Fairy Tale Case Did you know that biogas consists of 60-70 % methane gas, of 30-40 % carbon dioxide, 0-1 % hydrogen sulphide, and a very little hydrogen and nitrogen. Biogas mostly is produced of manure, but manure can be supplemented by other sorts of biomass such as domestic waste and waste from the food industry.
Margaret can produce 7 kWh/day, The Fairy Tale Case Margaret can produce 7 kWh/day, Nicolai's mother can produce 2 kWh/day and 10 Nicolais can produce 9 kWh/day, 200 Augusts can produce 10 kWh/day.
Margaret is proud, she is the best biogas producer of them all The Fairy Tale Case Margaret is proud, she is the best biogas producer of them all and she believes herself that she is the best at GAS-ballet.
Nicolai is proud, he and all his brothers, sisters, The Fairy Tale Case Nicolai is proud, he and all his brothers, sisters, cousins and all other pigs in Denmark make the most biogas. You see, there are more pigs than human beings in Denmark.
August is proud on behalf of his wives. The Fairy Tale Case August is proud on behalf of his wives. He does not think that it is about making the most manure, he believes that the quality of the manure is more important.
The Fairy Tale Case It is not thin air it's biogas